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[npoc-voice] IMPORTANT - Annual Check-In to NCSG to Organizational Members: Response Due by 20 August 2012

  • To: "npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx" <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] IMPORTANT - Annual Check-In to NCSG to Organizational Members: Response Due by 20 August 2012
  • From: Eduardo Monge <eduardo.monge@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 18:38:46 -0600

Dear NPOC Members,

Those of you whose organizations are currently listed as  members of the 
Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group  (NCSG) ,   you should have received a  
message to check in with the NCSG Chair  to ensure the membership list is 
current and accurate and that email ballots for the annual election will be 
sent to the proper email address for active member organizations.    See the 
message below.

Please check your inbox  and  write to Robin Gross as soon as possible.   You 
must respond before  20 August 2012  or   risk being placed on the "inactive"  
membership list.

Check with any colleague in your organization who might have received this 
message and  respond the message as appropriate.

If you have checked in already,   please let me know via a direct message  to  
me at  Eduardo.monge@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:Eduardo.monge@xxxxxxxxx>


Eduardo Monge
NPOC Communications Committee Chair

De: Robin Gross [mailto:robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Enviado el: lunes, 06 de agosto de 2012 03:22 p.m.
Para: Robin Gross
Asunto: Important: Annual Check-In to NCSG to Organizational Members: Response 
Due by 20 August 2012

Dear NCSG Member:

You are receiving this notice because you (at this email address) are listed as 
the official representative for your non-commercial organization on the 
membership roles of ICANN's Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG).

NCSG is required to conduct an annual check-in process to ensure the membership 
list is current and accurate and that email ballots for the annual election 
will be sent to the proper email address for active member organizations.

Therefore please take a moment to 'check-in' simply by responding to this email 
and letting me know this is the proper email address for the current official 
representative of the organization.

Please respond before 20 August 2012 or your organization will be placed on the 
"inactive" membership list.  I'll then take another week to try to contact and 
activate those members on the preliminary inactive list.  Inactive members 
cannot vote in the annual election, so it is important that you timely reply to 
this email to ensure your organization is listed as "active" and receives its 
ballot during the annual fall elections.

Thank you very much.  I kindly await your response.
Robin Gross
NCSG Chair


Robin Gross, Executive Director
1192 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA  94117  USA
p: +1-415-553-6261    f: +1-415-462-6451
w: http://www.ipjustice.org     e: 

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