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[npoc-voice] On ICANN board resolution seeking a policy recommendation on second-level protections for the IOC and Red Cross/Red Crescent names

  • To: "npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx" <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] On ICANN board resolution seeking a policy recommendation on second-level protections for the IOC and Red Cross/Red Crescent names
  • From: Eduardo Monge <eduardo.monge@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 15:36:28 -0600

For your information:
On ICANN`s board resolution (Dated 13 September 2012) to requests that the GNSO 
continue its work on a policy recommendation on second-level protections for 
the IOC and Red Cross/Red Crescent names on an expedited basis (by 31 January 

Approved Resolution | Meeting of the New gTLD Program Committee
13 September 2012

Whereas, the GAC Communiqué issued in Prague states that the GAC, "requires 
further clarification as to the status of its pending request for enhanced 
protections for the [International Olympic Committee] and Red Cross/Red 
Crescent names at the top and second levels, ..."

Whereas, earlier GAC letters of 11 June 2011 and 12 April 2012 expressed the 
same advice that "the IOC and Red Cross and Red Crescent [names] should be 
protected at the first and second top levels, given that these organizations 
enjoy protection at both the international level through international treaties 
(e.g. the Nairobi Treaty and the Geneva Conventions) and through national laws 
in multiple jurisdictions. The GAC considers the existence of such two-tiered 
protection as creating the criteria relevant to determining whether any other 
entities should be afforded comparable enhanced protection."

Whereas, the GNSO is actively engaged in policy discussion regarding 
second-level protections for the IOC and Red Cross/Red Crescent names, and has 
convened a drafting team that is working on this issue, and is further 
considering initiating a PDP on the broader issue of whether to protect the 
names of international organizations in new gTLDS.

Whereas, protections for the IOC and Red Cross/Red Crescent names at the 
top-level are in place for the current round of new gTLDs.

Whereas, the protections for the second level, if they are provided and if they 
are to be effective, should be in place before the delegation of the first new 

Whereas, the Board favors a conservative approach, that restrictions on 
second-level registration can be lifted at a later time, but restrictions 
cannot be applied retroactively after domain names are registered.

Resolved, the Board thanks the GNSO for its continued attention and ongoing 
work on this topic, and requests that the GNSO continue its work on a policy 
recommendation on second-level protections for the IOC and Red Cross/Red 
Crescent names on an expedited basis.

Resolved (NG2012.09.13.01), if it is not possible to conclude the policy work 
prior to 31 January 2013, the Board requests that the GNSO Council advise the 
Board by no later than that date if it is aware of any reason, such as concerns 
with the global public interest or the security or stability of the DNS, that 
the Board should take into account in making its decision about whether to 
include second level protections for the IOC and Red Cross/Red Crescent names 
listed in section of the Applicant Guidebook by inclusion on a 
Reserved Names List applicable in all new gTLD registries approved in the first 
round of the New gTLD Program.

Rationale for Resolution NG 2012.09.13.01<tel:2012.09.13.01>

The New gTLD Program Committee is undertaking this action now to remain 
accountable to all parts of its community. The New gTLD Program Committee 
recognizes all of the work that has been done to date on this issue, and the 
work that is currently underway. For example, a GNSO Drafting Team has already 
provided recommendations on protections at the top level, and work is 
continuing on reviewing protections at the second level. There is also work 
ongoing regarding the broader question of protections at the first and second 
level for Inter Governmental Organizations (IGO). Through this resolution, the 
New gTLD Program Committee is working to address the advice of the GAC 
regarding providing protections to the IOC and Red Cross/Red Crescent names at 
the second-level within the first round of New gTLDs. This action is not 
intended to preclude or supplant the ongoing policy work within the community, 
nor is it intended to direct the initiation of policy development work within 
the GNSO. The New gTLD Program Committee supports the continued work on these 
topics within the GNSO, and specifically limits the effect of this resolution 
to the first round of New gTLDs, to allow for further policy to be developed 
and implemented.

This resolution is not expected to have an impact on ICANN's fiscal resources. 
Nor Is it expected to impact the security, stability or resiliency of the DNS.

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