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[npoc-voice] Highlights of NPOC September online meeting

  • To: npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Highlights of NPOC September online meeting
  • From: mlemineur@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2012 11:14:31 -0500

Dear all,

For your consideration.




Date: September 11th, 2012.

•Andrei Barburas
•Kiren Malancharuvil
•Marie-Laure Lemineur
•Poncelet Ileleji
•Olivier Kouami
•Lori Schulman
•Jan Morton
•Alain Berranger(Chair)

Agenda ítems:

1/Selection process of the future Chair of the Program Committee:

•Alain Berranger informed that there were three candidates for the
position. Marie-laure Lemineur, Poncelet Ileleji  and Olivier Kouami.
•Alain Berranger requested two volunteers to form a selection committee in
order to support him with the selection process.  Lori Schulman and Kiren
Malancharuvil offered their help.
•The results are due to be announced at the end of September

2/Preparation of the NPOC workshops for the ICANN Toronto meeting:

Marie-laure Lemineur provided updated information about the three
workshops that NPOC is organizing in Toronto.

a/Session on the impact of new gTLDS on the NGOs- duration: 90 minutes- No
time slot allotted yet – will take place  Monday 15 :

•Vanda Scartezini / Chair of NomCom
•Bruce Tonkin / Vice-chair of ICANN board
•One representative of pir.ORG  still to be confirmed (Paul Diaz, Lance
Wolak or Celia Blue)
•Alain Berranger /will act as session chair

A more detailed description of the panelists’ bio can be seen on our wiki:

b/Session on Administrative Issues - Duration: two hours – no time slot
allotted yet –will take place Tuesday 16:


c/ Session on the Multi-stakeholder from the NGO perspective- duration: 90
minutes- No time slot allotted yet- Will take place Wednesday 17:
•Jean-jacques Subrenat / ALAC / will act as facilitator
•Sam Lanfranco / Uni. of York/ non-ICANNer
•Evan Leibovitch / ALAC
•Rinalia Abdul  Rahim /ALAC
•Alain Berranger /will act as session chair

A more detailed description of the panelists’ bio can be seen on our wiki

Alain Berranger requested Marie-laure Lemineur to send an email to NPOC
voice list with the links to the three WIKIS to make sure all members can
access them.

3/Budget for printing materials:

Alain Berranger pointed out that for the first time ICANN has granted NPOC
a budget to publish printing materials. It amounts to 6,000 US$.

4/Call for volunteers for NPOC members’ participation in ICANN instances:

Alain Berranger also mentioned that he was involved in many different
committees and will son publish on the NPOC voice list a call for
volunteers to take on some of the responsibilities he wishes to delegate.

5/NPOC membership:

Alain Berranger mentioned that Klaus Stoll as chair of the Membership
Committee is in charge of  NPOC memberships. Nevertheless it is an
overwhelming task and there is urgent need for additional staff support.
There are ongoing negotiations with ICANN to explore the possibility of
being able to count on ICANN permanent staff support to channel future
membership requests.

6/International outreach:

Alain Berranger mentioned that there is an ICANN working group on
international outreach and that NPOC is highly involved in it through the
participation of Klaus Stoll, chair of the Membership Committee.

7/Other matters:

a/Next NPOC monthly call  is scheduled for Tuesday 9, October 2012.

b/Other matters regarding communications-related issues:

•Poncelet Ileleji mentioned that there is a need to promote NPOC in
Africa. He is willing to support Eduardo with a specific communication
strategy among African networks/partners.

•Andrei Barburas confirmed previous agreement about working on the
updating of NPOC website after the Toronto meeting.

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