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[npoc-voice] Fwd: Dial in details for remote participation for the NPOC meetings ICANN Meeting Beijing

  • To: "npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx" <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Fwd: Dial in details for remote participation for the NPOC meetings ICANN Meeting Beijing
  • From: Alain Berranger <alain.berranger@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2013 11:32:29 -0400

Dear NPOC-Voice Colleagues,

First NPOC Meeting in Beijing is the Open Meeting on Tuesday the 9th from
9:00 - 11:00am Beijing time or 01:00-03-00 UTC or 21:00 EDT on Monday 8

Second NPOC Meeting in Beijing is the "Impact of new gTLDs on NGOs" on
Wednesday 10th 9:00-11:00am Beijing time or 01:00-03-00 UTC or 21:00 EDT on
Tuesday 8 April.

I will send you another email for NPOC's third meeting on Thursday 11th,
"Youth's role in the DNS" as we are changing room for that last meeting.


Cheers, Alain

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nathalie Peregrine <nathalie.peregrine@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 4:34 AM
Subject: Dial in details for remote participation for the NPOC meetings
ICANN Meeting Beijing
To: "Alain Berranger (alain.berranger@xxxxxxxxx)" <alain.berranger@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: "gnso-secs@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-secs@xxxxxxxxx>

Dear All,****


Please find below the dial in details for the NPOC meetings during the
ICANN meeting in Beijing.
The meetings will be audio streamed, recorded and there will be a
transcript available. For audio streaming please click on the link to* *the
Adobe* *Connect on the meeting node below.****

** **
**·         ***Tuesday 09th April – **NPOC meeting*

* *


**Room: **Function 9*****

*09:00 – 11:00 Password: NPOC*

* *

**·         ***Wednesday 10th April** - Impact of new GTLDs on NGOs*

*http://beijing46.icann.org/node/37131 *

*Room: **Function 9*****

*09:00 – 11:00 Password: NPOC IMPACT*

*Dial in numbers:* ****



*Toll Numbers*****

Toll Free Number*****

ARGENTINA           ****



0800-777-0519 ****

AUSTRALIA           ****

ADELAIDE:      ****

61-8-8121-4842           ****

1-800-657-260 ****

AUSTRALIA           ****

BRISBANE:      ****

61-7-3102-0944           ****

1-800-657-260 ****

AUSTRALIA           ****

CANBERRA:      ****

61-2-6100-1944           ****

1-800-657-260 ****

AUSTRALIA           ****

MELBOURNE:     ****

61-3-9010-7713           ****

1-800-657-260 ****

AUSTRALIA           ****

PERTH:         ****

61-8-9467-5223           ****

1-800-657-260 ****

AUSTRALIA           ****

SYDNEY:        ****

61-2-8205-8129           ****

1-800-657-260 ****

AUSTRIA             ****


43-1-92-81-113           ****

0800-005-259 ****

BELGIUM             ****


32-2-400-9861            ****

0800-3-8795 ****

BRAZIL              ****



0800-7610651 ****

CHILE               ****



1230-020-2863 ****

CHINA               ****

CHINA A:       ****

86-400-810-4789          ****

10800-712-1670 ****

CHINA               ****

CHINA B:       ****

86-400-810-4789          ****

10800-120-1670 ****

COLOMBIA            ****



01800-9-156474 ****



420-2-25-98-56-64        ****

800-700-177 ****

DENMARK             ****


45-7014-0284             ****

8088-8324 ****

ESTONIA             ****



800-011-1093 ****

FINLAND             ****

Land Line:     ****

106-33-203               ****

0-800-9-14610 ****

FINLAND             ****

Mobile:        ****

09-106-33-203            ****

0-800-9-14610 ****

FRANCE              ****

LYON:          ****

33-4-26-69-12-85         ****

080-511-1496 ****

FRANCE              ****

MARSEILLE:     ****

33-4-86-06-00-85         ****

080-511-1496 ****

FRANCE              ****

PARIS:         ****

33-1-70-70-60-72         ****

080-511-1496 ****

GERMANY             ****


49-69-2222-20362         ****

0800-664-4247 ****

GREECE              ****


30-80-1-100-0687         ****

00800-12-7312 ****

HONG KONG           ****


852-3001-3863            ****

800-962-856 ****

HUNGARY             ****



06-800-12755 ****

INDIA               ****

INDIA A:       ****


000-800-852-1268 ****

INDIA               ****

INDIA B:       ****


000-800-001-6305 ****

INDIA               ****

INDIA C:       ****


1800-300-00491 ****

INDONESIA           ****



001-803-011-3982 ****

IRELAND             ****


353-1-246-7646           ****

1800-992-368 ****

ISRAEL              ****



1-80-9216162 ****

ITALY               ****


39-02-3600-6007          ****

800-986-383 ****

JAPAN               ****

OSAKA:         ****

81-6-7739-4799           ****

0066-33-132439 ****

JAPAN               ****

TOKYO:         ****

81-3-5539-5191           ****

0066-33-132439 ****

LATVIA              ****



8000-3185 ****

LUXEMBOURG          ****


352-27-000-1364          ****

MALAYSIA            ****



1-800-81-3065 ****

MEXICO              ****



001-866-376-9696 ****

NETHERLANDS         ****


31-20-718-8588           ****

0800-023-4378 ****

NEW ZEALAND         ****


64-9-970-4771            ****

0800-447-722 ****

NORWAY              ****


47-21-590-062            ****

800-15157 ****

PANAMA              ****



011-001-800-5072065 ****

PERU                ****



0800-53713 ****

PHILIPPINES         ****


63-2-858-3716            ****

POLAND              ****



00-800-1212572 ****

PORTUGAL            ****



8008-14052 ****

RUSSIA              ****



8-10-8002-0144011 ****

SAUDI ARABIA        ****



800-8-110087 ****

SINGAPORE           ****


65-6883-9230             ****

800-120-4663 ****



421-2-322-422-25         ****

SOUTH AFRICA        ****



080-09-80414 ****

SOUTH KOREA         ****


82-2-6744-1083           ****

00798-14800-7352 ****

SPAIN               ****


34-91-414-25-33          ****

800-300-053 ****

SWEDEN              ****


46-8-566-19-348          ****

0200-884-622 ****

SWITZERLAND         ****


41-44-580-6398           ****

0800-120-032 ****

TAIWAN              ****


886-2-2795-7379          ****

00801-137-797 ****

THAILAND            ****



001-800-1206-66056 ****



44-121-210-9025          ****

0808-238-6029 ****


GLASGOW:       ****

44-141-202-3225          ****

0808-238-6029 ****


LEEDS:         ****

44-113-301-2125          ****

0808-238-6029 ****


LONDON:        ****

44-20-7108-6370          ****

0808-238-6029 ****



44-161-601-1425          ****

0808-238-6029 ****

URUGUAY             ****



000-413-598-3421 ****

USA                 ****


1-517-345-9004           ****

866-692-5726 ****

VENEZUELA           ****



0800-1-00-3702 ****

** **

Kind regards****

** **

Glen de Saint Géry ****

GNSO Secretariat ****

gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ****


** **

Alain Berranger, B.Eng, MBA
Member, Board of Directors, CECI,
Executive-in-residence, Schulich School of Business, www.schulich.yorku.ca
Treasurer, Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation, www.gkpfoundation.org
NA representative, Chasquinet Foundation, www.chasquinet.org
Chair, NPOC, NCSG, ICANN, http://npoc.org/
O:+1 514 484 7824; M:+1 514 704 7824
Skype: alain.berranger

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