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Re: [npoc-voice] Statement of Candidate to Vice Chair

  • To: <mlemineur@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [npoc-voice] Statement of Candidate to Vice Chair
  • From: "Klaus Stoll" <klaus.stoll@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2013 22:31:19 +0200

Dear Friends

Greetings. Thank you Marie-laure for your statement.

I fully support Marie-laure in her candidacy and I encourage the other NPOC to do the same.



-----Original Message----- From: mlemineur@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 9:43 PM
To: npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [npoc-voice] Statement of Candidate to Vice Chair

Dear colleagues,

Since September 2012, I have been acting as the chair of Program Committee
which gave me the opportunity to get familiar with our constituency, the
needs of our community members and with ICANN as a whole.  In that
capacity, together with other colleagues of the Executive Committee, I
have had to reflect on and identify relevant issues for our community to
be addressed during our working sessions –such is the case of the issue on
“the impact of the new gTLDs on NGOs” recently organized during ICANN 46
meeting-. But also to be in contact with members of all constituencies
within the ICANN community in order to identify key speakers and to get
familiar with internal administrative proceedings at ICANN.

I envision the role of the Vice Chair as one supporting and complementing
the different tasks performed by the Chair of the Executive Committee.  As
ICANN newest constituency, it is clear that we need to continue focusing
on growing in number bearing in mind the importance of having a balanced
geographical representation.  Also, we need to continue positioning
ourselves by expressing the specific concerns of our community members on
relevant aspects dealt with through ICANN´s  policy making instances.
This requires, in my opinion, an articulated work with our policy team, a
stronger representation in the working groups/committees and to keep on
implementing a strategic approach of our relationships with our other
colleagues from NCSG who are key partners to us, with members of the
non-commercial constituencies primarily within the GNSO but also outside
the GNSO and as well as with ICANN staff.

I hereby would like to state, that if elected Vice Chair, I intend to
continue fully commit to NPOC´s mission by defending the interests of our
community members who are domain registrants in the DNS.

Kind regards,

Marie-laure lemineur

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