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[npoc-voice] Fwd: Countdown to Durban!
- To: "npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx" <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [npoc-voice] Fwd: Countdown to Durban!
- From: Olivier Kouami <olivierkouami@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 14:37:07 +0000
Hi !
For your information please.
Cheers !
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tracy F. Hackshaw @ Google <tracyhackshaw@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2013/6/26
Subject: Re: Countdown to Durban!
To: Janice Douma Lange <janice.lange@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Ulkar Bayramova <bayramova.u@xxxxxxxxx>, Sarah Kiden <skiden@xxxxxxxxx>,
Artak Barseghyan <artakbarseghyan@xxxxxxxxx>, Kadian Davis <
kadian.davis@xxxxxxxxx>, "Patricia Gnilane Senghor (patousenghor@xxxxxxxxxxx)"
<patousenghor@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "GABRIEL LATJOR NDOW (md@xxxxxxxxxxx)" <
md@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Biaou Sourakatou Ramanou <biaous2002@xxxxxxxxx>, Paul
Muchene <paulitrix@xxxxxxxxx>, Mona Al-achkar <maj_aj@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
Alejandro Acosta Alamo <alejandroacostaalamo@xxxxxxxxx>, Oleg Demidov <
demidov@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Asteway Negash <asteway.negash@xxxxxxxxx>, Kayihura
Mabamo Eddy <ekayihura@xxxxxxxxx>, Claudine Sugira <claudine.s@xxxxxxxxxxxx>,
Gul-E Rana <gulcearana@xxxxxxxxx>, Oleveie Kouami <olivierkouami@xxxxxxxxx>,
Mohamed Awad Elshaikh <mawad_elshaikh@xxxxxxxxx>, Adrian Quesada Rodriguez <
adrianquesadarodriguez@xxxxxxxxx>, Karel Douglas <kareldouglas@xxxxxxxxx>,
Siranush Vardanyan <siranush_vardanyan@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Joao Carlos Caribe <
caribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Eranga Samararathna <erangac@xxxxxxxxx>, Farzaneh
Badiei <farzaneh.badii@xxxxxxxxx>, Heba Sayed <hebasha@xxxxxxxxx>, Mwendwa
Kivuva <lordmwesh@xxxxxxxxx>, Amir Qayyum <aqayyum@xxxxxxxx>, Andrew
Rarumae <Andrew.RARUMAE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Maritiza Aguero Minano <
myaguero@xxxxxxx>, Mamadou LO <alfamamadou@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Etuate Cocker <
ecoc005@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Tuhaise Robert <tuhaiserobert@xxxxxxxxx>, Nelly
Stoyanova <stoyanova.nelly@xxxxxxxxx>, Dejan Djukic <dejan.djukic@xxxxxxxx>
Hello Fellows,
The ICANN Meeting Schedule has been published.
>From a GAC perspective, I am pleased to report that the majority of GAC
Sessions have been made OPEN. Where there are Closed Sessions, these are
clearly marked with a "C".
On Jun 18, 2013 4:17 PM, "Janice Douma Lange" <janice.lange@xxxxxxxxx>
> *Hello everyone!*
> *We are now less than month away from the ICANN meeting in Durban….time
> to get ready!*
> ** **
> *We are down to the wire on the visas and I know from communications back
> and forth with ICANN Constituency Travel that you are working hard on
> this. Now is the time to contact the embassy again, if you haven’t heard
> back, or send a letter or email to the department, agency or individual who
> took your information to see if it can be expedited. Please reply back to
> me individually now on your progress(do not copy everyone else on this
> distribution list) so that I can coordinate with the Travel team on next
> steps. *
> * *
> *Some of you may also need vaccinations – please make sure that you have
> researched this and receive what is needed before boarding a plane! *
> * *
> *Transit visas and hotels: Check your proposed or confirmed Travel
> Itineraries to see if you are transiting through an airport that requires a
> transit visa; the Travel team “catches” most of these situations but not
> all, so take charge of your own travel and double check. If you need one,
> apply now! Also, if there is a long layover..I mean, 7 hours and more
> usually, contact the Travel team to see if a hotel should be provided by
> *Second: Hotels have been secured for the Fellows; ICANN will send an
> electronic hotel confirmation about a week before the meeting so don’t
> worry now. You are staying at one of 4 hotels near the conference area and
> complementary shuttles will be provided between hotel and conference center
> from Saturday on. *
> *Please note that you will need a credit card for a refundable deposit
> when you check-in to the Durban hotel. If you do not have a credit card or
> the cash equivalent of a one night stay (normally around USD 250), write to
> me individually and we will work something out for you.* *I do not want
> you to arrive after a long flight and be stopped from getting into your
> room so please let me know if ICANN can assist with this one night
> refundable deposit. *
> *Breakfast and Internet are provided free of charge to you at the hotel.
> Lunch and Dinner are yours to cover for the week; ICANN does NOT provide as
> this is what your stipend is intended to help cover. That being said, as
> told in the Fellowship terms, stipends are NOT provided BEFORE the meeting;
> you must successfully complete the meeting requirements and then stipends
> are wired to your bank after Durban. IF you will have any financial
> difficulty in covering the cost of meals and other needs, write me back
> separately, offlist, and we will work something out for you. No one needs
> to go hungry **J or not have money for transportation from and then back
> to the airport (also your cost to cover). Just talk to me please.*
> *I always advise to bring snacks to have in your hotel room as well,
> especially at this meeting where there don’t seem to be any stores close by
> and things are always expensive to purchase at the hotels.*
> *Third: * *In order to get the most out of the ICANN meeting week, it is
> important that you plan a bit ahead of time now at home. Talk with your
> direct supervisor about your workload – you have to be “in the moment” at
> this meeting, not up all night doing your job or in sessions doing your
> work. Please look ahead now, prioritize, delegate, and please remind your
> supervisor of their commitment of support for your attendance. Of course,
> we all will have to do some work - no one, including me, has the luxury to
> turn off completely but do your best to free yourself up for this one week
> so that you can be rested and get out of the meeting what you came for….*
> *Fourth. : You will need a computer so if you do not have a laptop or
> tablet, please check with your work IT department or supervisor now to see
> if you can have one on loan; it is difficult to be at the meeting without
> one.*
> *Lastly – Alumni - please chat it up with the new fellows via email in
> the next couple weeks- assist with agendas, getting prepared for the
> meeting, helpful hints etc. To our new fellows, there are no “stupid”
> questions…we were all first timers once so please don’t hesitate to ask
> anything of the alumni or me. *
> * I will be sending more information over the next few weeks about our
> schedule, the ICANN week schedule, what to expect, what to wear,
> transportation, food, etc.*
> *Have a GREAT week everyone!*
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
Olévié (Olivier) A. A. KOUAMI
Consultant et Formateur, Spécialiste en TIC
Directeur Exécutif de INTIC4DEV (http://www.intic4dev.org et
Secrétaire Général de ESTETIC (http://www.estetic.tg)
Program Committee Co-Vice Chair ICANN-NPOC EC (http://www.npoc.org/)
Boîte Postale 851
Tél.: (228) 23 20 65 01 Mob1.: (228) 90 98 86 50 Mob2.: (228) 97 18 36 09
Skype : olevie1 Facebook : @olivier.kouami.3 Twitter : #oleviek
Lomé – Togo

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