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[npoc-voice] Fwd: Fwd: [Soac-infoalert] Extension of Deadline - 6 Sept 2013 - Explore the Draft Next Generation gTLD Directory Services Model

  • To: "npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx" <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Fwd: Fwd: [Soac-infoalert] Extension of Deadline - 6 Sept 2013 - Explore the Draft Next Generation gTLD Directory Services Model
  • From: Olivier Kouami <olivierkouami@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 18:46:31 +0000

Hello dear colleagues;

FYI, please. This thread is complete.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Balleste, Roy <rballeste@xxxxxxx>
Date: 2013/8/9
Subject: Re: Fwd: [Soac-infoalert] Extension of Deadline - 6 Sept 2013 -
Explore the Draft Next Generation gTLD Directory Services Model
To: NCSG-DISCUSS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

 Dear colleagues,

 Please find attached our comments to the EWG questionnaire.  Do let me
know if I should make adjustments.  (Please be specific.) I did my best to
capture the thoughts of the members that shared their views in this list.  I
will be happy to submit the final Responses before the new extended
deadline.  If you have information to add, I ask that you share it in this
list as soon as you can.   I think the document attached captures an
overall assessment of the situation.

Thank you for all your help!!


*From:* NCSG-Discuss <NCSG-DISCUSS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Robin
Gross <robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
*Sent:* Friday, August 09, 2013 9:50 AM
*To:* NCSG-DISCUSS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
*Subject:* [NCSG-Discuss] Fwd: [Soac-infoalert] Extension of Deadline - 6
Sept 2013 - Explore the Draft Next Generation gTLD Directory Services Model

Begin forwarded message:

 *From: *Alice Jansen <alice.jansen@xxxxxxxxx>
 *Subject: **[Soac-infoalert] Extension of Deadline - 6 Sept 2013 - Explore
the Draft Next Generation gTLD Directory Services Model*
 *Date: *August 9, 2013 4:52:17 AM PDT
 *To: *"soac-infoalert@xxxxxxxxx" <soac-infoalert@xxxxxxxxx>

  Dear All,

  At the request of ICANN Community Members, the Expert Working Group on
gTLD Directory Services has extended its open consultation period until *6
September 2013 – 23:59 UTC* in order to provide the Community with
additional time to comment on the proposed model and recommendations (see

 Please note that the EWG is meeting in late August to begin revising
the initial
1.7 MB]. Comments received by
*23 August 2013 – 23:59 UTC* will be most useful.

 The Community is also invited to read the Expert Working Group on gTLD
Directory Services' *frequently asked
* *which the EWG developed and assembled in Durban to help answer commonly
asked questions regarding the EWG’s draft recommendations.

 *Where may I submit my comments?*

There are different avenues through which you may submit comments:

•        *Online
* *- To help focus attention, the EWG requests your feedback on a set of
questions but welcomes comments on any aspect of the Initial Report.

•        Public Email address: *input-to-ewg@xxxxxxxxx*

 Input is publicly archived. To read the responses and input received to
date, please refer to:


 Very best regards

 ICANN staff


ICANN has embarked on an effort to reinvent today's WHOIS system. A
significant milestone was reached on 24 June
the publication
the Expert Working Group on gTLD Directory
(EWG)'s initial
report for community input and comment. The initial
a paradigm shift – a new system in which gTLD registration data is
collected, validated and disclosed for permissible purposes only, with some
data elements being accessible only to authenticated requestors that are
then held accountable for appropriate use. The EWG has identified the
design features and principles that they believe are essential in this new
system, and a proposed Model for the next generation data directory
services to replace WHOIS.

 *What’s Next?*

The Expert Working Group on gTLD Directory Services aims to publish its
final report in October for discussion at the Buenos Aires meeting and is
scheduled to meet in-person in Washington, DC in late August to discuss
final recommendations in light of the input and comments received. The
suggested model will be submitted to ICANN’s CEO and Board when the work is
concluded. The output will feed into a Board-initiated GNSO policy
development process to serve as a foundation for the GNSO's creation of new
consensus policy, and contractual negotiations, as appropriate.

 *More Information*

The EWG work stems from the Board's
redefine the purpose and provision of gTLD registration data, while
balancing data accuracy and access issues with safeguards for protecting
data. The EWG considered the important community work done over the last
decade by the GNSO, the SSAC, the WHOIS Review Team, the GAC and others.
The Initial 
1.7 MB] reflects the EWG’s
*consensus view* of the design principles and features needed for a new
system. The proposed Model highlights how these design principles and
features could be fulfilled in the ICANN domain ecosystem.

   - *For more information, please refer to the Frequently Asked
by the EWG related to its Initial Report.
   - *To view translations of the Initial Report and/or Initial Report
   Executive Summary, please refer to:
   - *To view the Expert Working Group's activities, please refer to the **EWG
   wiki* <https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=40175189>
   - *Consultation archives are available: webinar
   July 2013) and session archives <http://durban47.icann.org/node/39627> (15
   July 2013 - Durban).*

soac-infoalert mailing list

Olévié (Olivier) A. A. KOUAMI
Membre de ISoc (www.isog.org) & du FOSSFA (www.fossfa.net)
DG Ets GIDA-OKTETS & CEO de INTIC4DEV (http://www.intic4dev.org)
PC Vice Chair for Africa ICANN-NCSG/NPOC (http://www.npoc.org/)
SG de ESTETIC  (http://www.estetic.tg)
Po Box : 851 - Tél.: (228) 90 98 86 50 / (228) 928 512 41 / (228) 224 999 25
Skype : olevie1 Facebook : @olivier.kouami.3 Twitter : #oleviek Lomé – Togo

Attachment: Regarding the EWG.docx
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