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RE: [npoc-voice] Agenda NPOC Monthly call 10 September 2013

  • To: "'mlemineur@xxxxxxxxxxxx'" <mlemineur@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx'" <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [npoc-voice] Agenda NPOC Monthly call 10 September 2013
  • From: MGR Framericas <MGR@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 12:45:04 +0000

Dear Colleagues,

Just to let you know that unfortunately I cannot make it for today's monthly 
call, due to my business travel overseas.

Best regards

Danilo Piaggesi
Managing Director FRAmericas (FRA)
Director IKEP (International Knowledge Economy Program)
6005 Grove Dr. Alexandria, VA 22307, USA 
+12023511149; +13012333095
Skype id:danilop4456
Via Sallustiana 29, 00187 , Rome, ITALY
corso Giulio Cesare, 4bis - 10152 , Torino, ITALY

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf 
Of mlemineur@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 9:22 PM
To: npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: Nathalie Peregrine; gnso-secs@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [npoc-voice] Agenda NPOC Monthly call 10 September 2013

Dear Colleagues,

Please see below the agenda for your kind review and attention.



*Agenda NPOC Meeting*
*Tuesday 12 September 2013 at 1900 UTC*
__________________________________________________________________ 1/ Policy 
issues  (Rudi Vansnick - 10 minutes) -Submission of public comments on the 
delay of the GNSO review and NCSG endorsement -NPOC´s contribution to NCSG 
comments on the report of the EWG  (Whois) and endorsement -IGO report 
(Poncelet Ileleji) -Participation to NCSG monthly open policy meeting -Policy 
charter and NPOC policy committee 2/ Opening of nominations for NCSG elections/ 
NPOC candidates (Marie-laure Lemineur - 5 minutes)

3/ Update on deferral of funds allocated to NPOC through the fast track
FY14 and other budget issues (Rudi Vansnick - 5 minutes) 4/ NPOC Membership 
(Marie-laure Lemineur  - 5 mins) -pending applications round -NPOC membership 
5/ Status of I- Institute initiative (Klaus Stoll 10 mins) 6/ NPOC Buenos Aires 
Events (5 mins)
- Update on pre-ICANN event (Marie-laure Lemineur)
- Other sessions/activities (Klaus Stoll)

7/ Update on work-in-progress on administrative and other issues (15 mins)

-SCI (Marie-laure Lemineur)
-NPOC brochure (Cintra Sooknanam)
-Vacant positions in the EC  (Marie-laure Lemineur) -Term of the current EC 
(Cintra Sooknanam) 8/ AOB (5 mins)


Dear All,
The next NPOC call is scheduled on Tuesday 10 September 2013 at 1900 UTC For 
other times: http://tinyurl.com/p3zv2x9

Conference ID: 5913
Dial in numbers:
USA:    toll free: 1 800 550 6865<tel:1%20800%20550%206865> / toll +1 213 233
For all other numbers:
Adobe Connect room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/npoc/

Please email gnso-secs@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:gnso-secs@xxxxxxxxx> if you require a 
Thank you.
Kind regards,
GNSO Secretariat

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