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[npoc-voice] 1st DNS Forum in LAC

  • To: npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] 1st DNS Forum in LAC
  • From: mlemineur@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 17:17:55 -0600

Dear all,

I am glad to inform you that the first DNS Forum in LAC will take place
November 15, 2013 at the Sheraton Retiro Hotel in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  NPOC together with LACNIC, LacTLD, ICANN, ISOC and PIR is co-organizing
this event. For those of you interested in attending wether remotely or in
person, I am copying the agenda and other relevant details below in
English and Spanish. There will be translation in English, Spanish and
Portuguese available and remote connection will be available.

Best regards,



1st Latin American and Caribbean DNS FORUM
Buenos Aires, Argentina –
15 November 2013

Hotel Sheraton Retiro
Salon La Pampa

09:00-09:30     Welcome remarks and opening

Stephen Crocker (ICANN)
Gonzalo Navarro (ICANN)
Carolina Aguerre (LACTLD)
09:30-11:00     Panel 1: The DNS in LAC

Anthony Harris / Ariel Graizer) (CABASE)
Andrew Mack (AM Global)
Eduardo Santoyo (.CO)
Marie-Laure Lemineur (NPOC)
Moderator: Gabriel Brenta Luciano (NIC Argentina)
11:00-11:30      Coffee break
11:30-12:45     Panel 2: The participatory challenge of organizations in
global and regional Internet forums

Rodrigo de la Parra (ICANN)
Olga Cavalli (GAC)
Sebastián Bellagamba (ISOC)
Fátima Cambronero (LACRALO)
Moderator: Dafne Sabanes Plou (APC)

12:45-14:00     Lunch break
14:00-15:15     Panel 3: Bridging the digital divide

Carlton Samuels (C@ribNET- CKLN)
José Clastronik (AGESIC)
Hernán Galperin (CETYS, UDESA)
Klaus Stoll (Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation)
Moderator:   Rudi Vansnick (NPOC)

15:15-15:45     Coffee break

15:45-17:15        Panel 4: Cyber security from a policy perspective

Don Blumenthal (PIR)
Carlos Martinez (LACNIC)
Gonzalo Romero (.CO)
Moderator: Oscar Robles (NIC.MX)
17:15-18:00      Wrap-up session. Taking stock.

Rodrigo de la Parra (ICANN)
Gabriela Szlak (eInstituto)


To register: log into ICANN registration system:

For any further information1: contacto@xxxxxxxxxx

The meeting will provide Portuguese/Spanish/English interpretation.




 “al 1er Foro Latinoamericano y del Caribe  de DNS”

LUGAR:  Salón la Pampa. Hotel Sheraton Retiro, Buenos Aires, Argentina
FECHA:  15 de Noviembre del 2013
HORA:    09:00 a.m. - 18:00 p.m.


09:00-09:30  Apertura

Stephen Crocker (ICANN)
Gonzalo Navarro (ICANN)
Carolina Aguerre (LACTLD)
09:30-11:00         Panel 1: El DNS en LAC

Anthony Harris / Ariel Graizer (CABASE)
Andrew Mack (AM Global)
Eduardo Santoyo (.CO)
Marie-Laure Lemineur (NPOC)
Moderador: Gabriel Brenta (NIC Argentina)
11:00-11:30      Pausa para el Café
11:30-12:45     Panel 2: El Desafío Participativo de las Organizaciones en
                         Foros Mundiales y Regionales de Internet

Rodrigo de la Parra (ICANN)
Olga Cavalli (GAC)
Sebastián Bellagamba (ISOC)
Fátima Cambronero (LACRALO)
Moderadora: Dafne Sabanes Plou (APC)

12:45-14:00    Almuerzo en el Hotel
14:00-15:15    Panel 3: Acortando la Brecha Digital

Carlton Samuels (C@ribNET- CKLN)
José Clastronik (AGESIC)
Hernán Galperin (CETYS, UDESA)                 
Klaus Stoll (Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation)
Moderador: Rudi Vansnick (ISOC - NPOC)

15:15-15:45   Pausa para el Café

15:45-17:15   Panel 4: Ciberseguridad desde una Perspectiva Política

Don Blumenthal (PIR) 
Carlos Martinez (LACNIC) 
Gonzalo Romero (.CO)
Moderador: Oscar Robles (NIC.MX)
17:15-18:00 Sesión cierre. Balance y perspectivas


Para registrarse: https://registration.icann.org/

Para información adicional: contacto@xxxxxxxxxx

Habrá traducción simultánea en Portugués/Español/Inglés

detalles para conexión en

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