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Re: [npoc-voice] Accessibility Working Group

  • To: "Glenn McKnight" <mcknight.glenn@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [npoc-voice] Accessibility Working Group
  • From: mlemineur@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 10:08:11 -0600

Dear Glenn,

Many thanks for sharing information about this interesting initiative. I
would like to encourage our community members who are interested in
supporting this project one way or another, to  either contact Glenn
directly or any of our EC members.

Best regards,


In  BA, Argentina   Garth Bruen and Glenn McKnight  met with Chris
> Moldini,
>  VP  of ICANN to advocate greater  accessiblity to the disable and special
> needs community.  This has been two months ago and we have created a
>  founding group meeting with various members   As of yet we haven't had a
> meeting   but we expect a meeting soon.
> The  issues  such as  subtitles on videos,  WCAG 2.0 compliant website,
> large font  literature,  sign language sessions  etc etc  etc   is
> critical
>  and NPOC  have  a role since many of the  DIsable community organizations
>  could be NPOC  members.
> I will keep all informed on the development of this community effort
> Glenn McKnight
> mcknight.glenn@xxxxxxxxx
> skype  gmcknight
> twitter gmcknight
> .

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