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[npoc-voice] CALL FOR NOMINATIONS - Vacancies in the EC

  • To: NPoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] CALL FOR NOMINATIONS - Vacancies in the EC
  • From: mlemineur@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 15:55:08 -0600

Dear community members,

This is to inform you that the call for nomination to fill in the
vacancies in NPOC Executive Committee as described below, has been
extended until Tuesday 04 February. Hence, the new deadlines are as

The proposed schedule is as follows:

1/ Thursday 23 January: Call for nominations issued
2/ Thursday 23 January - Tuesday 04 February  inclusive until 12 UTC (13
days) : Nominations received
3/ Wed 05 February - Thursday 06 February inclusive until 12 UTC (2 days)
: Formal
acceptance of nominations
4/ Friday 07 February: NPOC-EC reviews applications- Formal announcement of
the results will be issued  at 21 UTC.

Best regards,


---------------------------- Mensaje original ----------------------------
Asunto: [npoc-voice] Vacancies in the EC - call for nominations
De:     mlemineur@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Fecha:  Jue, 23 de Enero de 2014, 10:02 am
Para:   npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx

Dear community members,

This is to inform you, that due to different circumstances, we currently
have three openings in the Executive Committee.

These are :

1/ Chair of the Communications Committee
2/ Chair of the Program Committee
3/ Chair of the Membership Committee

The term of the current Executive Committee ends 10 July 2014,  which
means that we are in a situation where there are less than sixth months
left.  In these cases, the Charter provides as follows:

Article 2.5.1 :
"......If a vacancy occurs with respect to an Officer with:...... Less than six (6) months left in the term, the Chair, in
consultation with the EC, shall appoint an individual to fill the vacancy
until the term is expired";

In the quoted provision, the mechanism to make an appointment is  that of
a consultation between the Chair and the EC members. The EC in full has
decided that the most adequate and transparent manner to proceed is to
issue a public call for nominations to our membership in order to give the
opportunity to those who wish to hold a position within the EC to be
candidates. Once the nomination period closes, the EC in full will meet
and review the candidates names and backgrounds in order to decide who are
the best fitted candidates.

Please note that unlike the Program Chair position, the Communications
Committee Chair and the Membership Committee Chair  are both elected
positions which imply that when the term of the current EC will end at the
indicated date, elections will be organized and these two positions will
be open for elections like all others elected positions within the EC. Of
course, those of you who will  be appointed this second half of our term,
will be welcome to run again as candidates.

To be eligible for one of the said positions, candidates must:

a/ Not already hold a committee leadership position; and
b/ Not be currently serving as a GNSO Council Member.

Also, please note that nominations of one candidate to multiple positions
is not allowed.

The proposed schedule is as follows:

1/ Thursday 23 January: Call for nominations issued
2/ Thursday 23 January - Tuesday 28 January inclusive until 12 UTC (6
days) : Nominations received
3/ Wed 29 - Thursday 30 inclusive until 12 UTC (2 days) : Formal
acceptance of nominations
4/ Friday 31 January: NPOC-EC reviews applications- Formal announcement of
the results will be issued  at 21 UTC.

Should you require further clarification and information please feel free
to contact me.

Best regards,


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