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[npoc-voice] Re: nomination to Chair of Membership Committee

  • To: "Rudi Vansnick" <rudi.vansnick@xxxxxxx>, "Marie-laure" <mlemineur@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Re: nomination to Chair of Membership Committee
  • From: "Sam Lanfranco" <lanfran@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2014 16:17:40 +0000

Marie-laure & Rudi,

Thanks Marie-laure for the nomination, and Rudi, for the seconding of the
nomination. I agree to stand for election and will do my best if elected.

Briefly, on other fronts, some of you may remember Natalie Rose, the young
woman from Jamaica who was at the ICANN Fellowship program in Buenos Aires.
I am working with her at the moment on a video conference for students and
instructions at the University College of the Carribean in Jamaica
(http://www.ucc.edu.jm/), a session dealing with Internet Governance.
I have set up a temporary wiki for that at www.internet4jamaica.pbworks.com
(http://www.internet4jamaica.pbworks.com) with a few links to my stuff.

 I have not put ICANN links there yet, waiting first to see if they will
post those links.
This is being done very fast and "quick-and-rough". The wiki may come down
after the session.

Regards, Sam L.

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