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[npoc-voice] NPOC recording and transcript - 24 February 2014

  • To: npoc-voice <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] NPOC recording and transcript - 24 February 2014
  • From: Cintra Sooknanan <cintra.sooknanan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 21:47:43 -0400

Dear all,

Please find here the attendance and the MP3 recording of the Monthly NPOC
call held today on the 24 February 2014. The AC Chat can be found below.


Cintra Sooknanan

*Attendees*: Klaus Stoll, Rudi Vansnick, Cintra Sooknanan, Danilo Piaggesi,
Poncelet Illeji, Jorge A. Restrepo,

*Apologies:* Marie-Laure Lemineur, Sam Lanfranco,

*Staff:* Terri, Agnew, Nathalie Peregrine

*MP3 recording: *

*AC Chat transcript*

Terri Agnew: Welcome to the NPOC Open Policy Call Monday 24 February 2014
19:00 UTC

Nathalie  Peregrine: Dear all, our newest recruit to the GNSO Secretariat,
Terru Agnew, will be running the call today.

Terri Agnew: The audio in the AC room is enabled. Please click on the
telephone icon at the top of the AC room toolbar and follow instructions
there to activate your mic. When successful, a mic icon will replace the
telephone one. Ti mute and unmute please click on the white triangle next
to the mic icon.

Cintra Sooknanan: Sam Lanfranco also sends apologies

Cintra Sooknanan: welcome Jorge

Cintra Sooknanan: welcome Klaus

Terri Agnew: Sam Lanfranco has been noted

Cintra Sooknanan: Thank you Terri

Cintra Sooknanan: welcome Danilo

Cintra Sooknanan: we are just waiting a few moments for Rudi, Poncelet and
others to join

danilo piaggesi: welcome to everybody

Poncelet: hello colleagues

Jorge A. Restrepo: Is it possible to start now?

Cintra Sooknanan: yes

Klaus Stoll: I am sorry Cintra, i can understand you not at all

danilo piaggesi: the connection with Cintra is very bad

Jorge A. Restrepo: Me neither, the quality of the sound is very poor

Cintra Sooknanan: Klaus, all I am sorry

Cintra Sooknanan: I will try to sort out the audio

Cintra Sooknanan: Please go to the third agenda item in the meantime

Cintra Sooknanan: thank you so much

Nathalie  Peregrine: There appears to be breaks in the AC room audio, if
you are experiencing difficulties, please dial into the Adigo bridge #5913

Jorge A. Restrepo: Anyone talking now?

Klaus Stoll: No

Poncelet: okay i aqm no audio

Cintra Sooknanan: Yes I am speaking

Cintra Sooknanan: but there seems to be difficulty on my connection

Jorge A. Restrepo: We cannot hear

Nathalie  Peregrine: Rudi Vansnick has joined the room

Terri Agnew:  Rudi Vansnick has joined

Jorge A. Restrepo: Welcome Rudi

Klaus Stoll: Someone is Typing all the time and receiving text messages,
that is what I hear

Rudi Vansnick: sorry for being late, I just came back to office after 2
hours drive in car

Cintra Sooknanan: Thanks Rudi, we are at item iv of the agenda which is
Public Comment Periods

Cintra Sooknanan: I have asked Nathalie to make the document scrollable

Cintra Sooknanan: this is just in the interim till I get the connection
issue solved

Nathalie  Peregrine: Doc is now scrollable

Klaus Stoll: I have a lot of echo

Klaus Stoll: I can not understand Rudi anymore

Nathalie  Peregrine: Klaus, my audio is fine

Nathalie  Peregrine: I am on tje bridge

Poncelet: i hear you Rudi

danilo piaggesi: I can hear Rudy

Cintra Sooknanan: i hear you ok

Nathalie  Peregrine: Please mute speakers, mics and phones

Cintra Sooknanan: I am getting another dial out from staff now hopefully
the audio will be better

Poncelet: noted Cintra

Cintra Sooknanan: Thanks for all of your patience

Klaus Stoll: I still have echo

Poncelet: Noted Contra

danilo piaggesi: I apologize , I must be going

Klaus Stoll: I am back, sorry

Rudi Vansnick: i have to report on the IAG-CCT WG

Rudi Vansnick: none from me

Poncelet: Lost connection on phone will try to use adobe connect

Terri Agnew: Poncelet we will try to rejoin you on audio

Poncelet: The Adobe Connect is working for me now

Poncelet: Thanks Terri

Rudi Vansnick: I'm intending to use the CROPP for the IGF meeting in

Poncelet: Correct Klaus thanks for clariyfing

Poncelet: clarifying

Poncelet: But Rudi we can also take advantage of both the CROPP and Fast
Track too

Terri Agnew: I am hearing the echo

Jorge A. Restrepo: Now there is strog echo

Rudi Vansnick: Jorge, do you have your mike connected ?

Jorge A. Restrepo: As far as I can see, yes

Cintra Sooknanan: Jorge there is a mic symbol, green at the top bar

Cintra Sooknanan: you can click it to mute your mike

Rudi Vansnick: Jorge, you're welcome to speak in this call

Jorge A. Restrepo: I know, many thanks. My experience is poor in Adobe

Jorge A. Restrepo: I thought my mike was on

Nathalie  Peregrine: Jorge, to acitvate your mic, click on the telephone
icon aat the top of the AC toolbar

Nathalie  Peregrine: and follow all instructions (agree to everything)

Nathalie  Peregrine: once the telephone icon has turned to a microphone
one, you have successfully activated your mic

Rudi Vansnick: thank you very much Nathalie

Nathalie  Peregrine: Pleasure Rudi!

Cintra Sooknanan:

Jorge A. Restrepo: Sorry, I haven't been able to enable my microphone,
though have followed your instructions Nathalie

Poncelet: not from my end

Rudi Vansnick: +1

Rudi Vansnick: Poncelet : if you know people from Africa going to be in
Singapore please lets us know so we can invite them too

Poncelet: Noted Rudi will do so

Jorge A. Restrepo: I thank and congratulate all of you. Have taken note of
the complexity of the processes going on and the enormous motivation of the
NPOC constituency. Just give me a little bit more time to get to know my
"job description". Rudi mentioned getting / identifying new members. I
guess the emphasis is on quality more than quantity.

Rudi Vansnick: good approach Jorge

Nathalie  Peregrine: @ Jorge, I am more than happy to assist you with the
AC audio, please email gnso-secs@xxxxxxxxx and we can schedule a 15 min
test call to run through the details, it is not obvious at first!

Jorge A. Restrepo: Programming

Rudi Vansnick: clap clap clap for all of them

Poncelet: Welcome Jorge and Sam, great to have you folks with your
experiences on board

Jorge A. Restrepo: Farewell to you all. I am stunned by the amount of calls
this week!

Rudi Vansnick: many thanks to staff, without we would get lost

Nathalie  Peregrine: Thank youdo much, bye!

Poncelet: Thanks Nathalie and Terri, bye to you all, much appreciated

Terri Agnew: Thank you everyone

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