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[npoc-voice] Statement for NPOC on NTIA & ICANN multistakeholder process to develop the DNS system transition plan

  • To: "npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx NPOC" <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Statement for NPOC on NTIA & ICANN multistakeholder process to develop the DNS system transition plan
  • From: Rudi Vansnick <rudi.vansnick@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 08:46:53 +0100

NPOC, the Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns stakeholder Constituency within 
ICANN, welcomes the U.S. Government's National Telecommunications and 
Information Administration (NTIA) announcement of its intention to “transfer 
key internet domain name functions to the global stakeholder community” and 
pledges its support for the challenging work required for this task.
NTIA has charged ICANN to convene global stakeholders to develop a transition 
proposal that strengthens the multistakeholder model; maintains the security, 
stability and resilience of the Internet DNS; meets the needs and expectations 
of the global customers and partners of the relevant domain name system (DNS) 
functions; and maintains the openness of the Internet. NPOC's stakeholder 
constituency has a keen interest in both this process and its outcome.
NPOC focuses on the impact of DNS policies, and their effects, on the 
Not-for-Profit civil society stakeholder community. NPOC stands for a 
multistakeholder approach to empowerment and capacity building for engagement 
in Internet governance; policy and process transparency; and stakeholder use of 
a DNS system that supports community based and just socio-economic development.

NPOC looks forward to playing an active role on the development of a transition 
proposal process that respects the principles of openness and engagement that 
have been part of the core DNA of the Internet from its inception. NPOC intends 
to collaborate with existing stakeholder constituencies and others to nurture a 
growing civil society stakeholder base, both within ICANN and the transition 
proposal, and within the not-for-profit and civil society communities of the 
larger global Internet ecosystem.

Rudi Vansnick
NPOC chair Policy Committee
NPOC treasurer
Tel : +32 (0)9 329 39 16
Mobile : +32 (0)475 28 16 32

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