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[npoc-voice] Meeting Invite: NPOC - May 29 at 19:00 UTC

  • To: "'NPOC - Voice'" <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Meeting Invite: NPOC - May 29 at 19:00 UTC
  • From: Terri Agnew <terri.agnew@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 10:47:32 -0700

Dear All,

The next NPOC call is scheduled on Monday 26 May 2014 at 1900 UTC  

For other times:  http://tinyurl.com/onfa95c

Conference ID: 5913

Dial in numbers: 

USA:    toll free: 1 800 550 6865 <tel:1%20800%20550%206865>  / toll +1 213
233 3193 <tel:%2B1%20213%20233%203193> 

For all other numbers:


Adobe Connect room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/npoc/ 


Please email gnso-secs@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:gnso-secs@xxxxxxxxx>  if you
require a dial-out.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Terri Agnew

GNSO Secretariat


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