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[npoc-voice] Fwd: [liaison6c] Call for Volunteers: GNSO New gTLDs Subsequent Rounds Discussion Group

  • To: "npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx" <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Fwd: [liaison6c] Call for Volunteers: GNSO New gTLDs Subsequent Rounds Discussion Group
  • From: Olévié Kouami <olivierkouami@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 08:03:45 +0000

Hello to all NPOcers !
Please, FYI.
Cheers !

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2014 14:18:43 -0700
Subject: [liaison6c] Call for Volunteers: GNSO New gTLDs Subsequent
Rounds Discussion Group
To: liaison6c <liaison6c@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Call for Volunteers: GNSO New gTLDs Subsequent Rounds Discussion Group
Date: 8 July 2014

This is a call for volunteers to participate in a GNSO Discussion
Group to discuss experiences gained by the first round of new gTD
applications and identify subjects for possible future issue reports,
if any, that might lead to changes or adjustments for subsequent new
gTLD application procedures. This Discussion Group has been created by
the Generic Names Supporting Organization and is open to anyone
interested in participating.

What this Discussion Group will do

The Discussion Group is to review the first round of the new gTLD
program and discuss and reflect upon experiences gained. The
Discussion Group is expected to report its findings to the GNSO
Council, which may include a list of recommended subjects for future
GNSO issue reports that may lead to changes or adjustments for
subsequent new gTLD application procedures. Issue reports are a
required first step in developing new policies.

How this Group will work

Like other GNSO efforts, the Discussion Group is expected to use
transparent and open processes. Meetings are recorded, mailing lists
are publicly archived and members from the Discussion Group are
expected to submit Statements of Interest in order to participate. The
group may decide to collaborate using a public workspace for draft
materials and all final work products and milestones will be

Please note that as a Discussion Group member you are expected to
attend conference calls and to actively participate in online
discussions. If you are concerned about the amount of time or input
that you would be able to provide to the group, but would like to
remain informed of the group's activities, it is encouraged that you
participate as an observer. Participating as an observer will allow
you to follow the group's work on the mailing list. To be able to
actively participate in conference calls and online discussions, you
would need to change your status from observer to member, which can be
accomplished by simply emailing your request to the GNSO Secretariat
(gnso-secs@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:gnso-secs@xxxxxxxxx>). The GNSO
Secretariat will endeavor to ensure your status is changed in time for
the group's next meeting.

How to Join

The GNSO Council invites all interested parties to put forward their
names so that they can be added to the Discussion Group mailing list.
The Discussion Group will be open to anyone interested to join.
Community members who wish to be invited to join the group should
contact the GNSO secretariat
and clearly indicate whether they would like to be subscribed as a
member or observer to the mailing list.


In June 2008, the ICANN Board adopted the GNSO's policy
recommendations for the introduction of new gTLDs and directed staff
to develop an implementation plan for a new gTLD introduction process.
In June 2011, the ICANN Board approved an Application Guidebook
("AGB") for new gTLDs and authorized the launch of the New gTLD
Program. The AGB provided that it was intended to govern "the first
round of what is to be an ongoing process for the introduction of new
gTLDs" and that "ICANN's goal [was] to launch subsequent gTLD
application rounds as quickly as possible" and promised to base the
timing of the subsequent rounds on "experiences gained and changes
required after this round is completed" with a "goal...for the new
application round to begin within one year of the close of the
application submission period for the initial round."

With the application submission period for the initial round closing
in June 2012, the GNSO Council believes that it has a continuing
interest and role to play in evaluating the experiences of the first
round and proposing policy recommendations, if necessary, for changes
to subsequent rounds. This Discussion Group is being created to begin
that evaluation process and possibly identify areas for future GNSO
policy development.

Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat

Olévié Ayaovi Agbenyo KOUAMI
Responsable Département CERGI-Education (http://www.cergibs.com)
CEO de INTIC4DEV (http://www.intic4dev.org)
SG de ESTETIC  (http://www.estetic.tg)
Membre de ISoc (www.isoc.org <http://www.isoc.org/>) & du FOSSFA (
ICANN-NPOC Communications Committee Chair (http://www.icann.org/ et
BP : 851 - Tél.: (228) 90 98 86 50 / (228) 98 43 27 72
Skype : olevie1 FB : @olivier.kouami.3 Twitter : #oleviek Lomé - Togo

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