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Re: [npoc-voice] Invitation to the Webinar,,"What Every Non-profit Organization Should Know About Its Use of the Internet and Never Dared to Ask!"
- To: Klaus Stoll <klaus.stoll@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [npoc-voice] Invitation to the Webinar,,"What Every Non-profit Organization Should Know About Its Use of the Internet and Never Dared to Ask!"
- From: Glenn McKnight <mcknight.glenn@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2015 09:50:45 -0500
Hi All
I will be in Washington next week and I will be available to do some
video interviews with NPOC Members if interested.
I just want to mention that the Magna Carta is on display at the Library
of Congress until January 19th and it's relevant since we are discussing
* Internet Bill of Rights *
Here is the location and it's free to visit while in Washington at the
Library of Congress .
South Gallery, Second Floor, Thomas Jefferson Building
*Thomas Jefferson Building*
10 First Street SE
Washington, DC 20540
Daytime Hours
Monday - Saturday
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
Glenn McKnight
Glenn McKnight
skype gmcknight
twitter gmcknight
On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 8:37 AM, Klaus Stoll <klaus.stoll@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Dear Friends
> Greetings and I hope you had a great start into 2015.
> Below you will find the invitation to the first webinar of the Pathfinder
> series.
> *Please help us promoting this important webinar by forwarding the
> information about the webinar to you friends, network, mailing list and
> organizational www sites.*
> If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.
> In the hope to see you in person or on-line during the webinar.
> Yours
> Klaus
> *Invitation to the Webinar*
> *"**What Every Non-profit Organization Should Know About Its Use of the
> Internet and Never Dared to Ask!"*
> Time and Date: January 14, 2015; 10:00am EST
> Place: *On the web* and *on site* at the ICANN Offices, Washington, DC,
> 801 17th Street, NW, Suite 400
> We are pleased to invite you the first of a series of webinars and
> face-to-face dialogs addressing the vital operational concerns and
> strategic uses of the Internet for non-profits and non-governmental
> organizations.
> The Internet has become a critical tool for organizations to carry out
> their mission and vision. The Pathfinder
> <http://www.gkpf.org/?p=gkpf-pathfinder> series (
> http://www.gkpf.org/?p=gkpf-pathfinder) has been developed to assist
> non-profits and non-governmental organizations in using this tool
> effectively and understanding the context in which the Internet operates.
> The security and stability of the Internet depend on the active involvement
> of all stakeholders.
> The need for dialogue and education is highlighted by the United States
> government’s announcement of its intention to relinquish control of the
> Internet’s numbering system known as IANA. The IANA numbers are behind the
> names that nonprofits depend upon for their Internet presence. How will
> this change effect your organization? Does it matter? Please join us for a
> lively and information discussion.
> Topic: *"Making it work and pay for you. Pitfalls and Opportunities for
> Non-profits and Non-governmental Organizations in the new Internet Domain
> space” *Presenter: Klaus Stoll, Executive Director GKPF
> Topic:* "What impact the IANA transition will have on Non-profits and
> Non-governmental Organizations" *Presenter: Theresa Swinehart, Sr.
> Advisor to the President on Strategy, ICANN
> Topic: *"Online Trademark Abuse and Legitimate Use Cases for Non-profits
> and Non-governmental Organizations" *Presenter: Brian J. Winterfeldt,
> Esq., Head of Internet Practice Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
> *Moderator: *Lori Schulman, Esq., General Counsel, ASCD and ICANN
> Non-profit Operational Concerns Constituency, Vice-Chair
> For further information and RSVP please click here: *webinar@xxxxxxxx
> <webinar@xxxxxxxx?subject=RSVP%20Webinar%2014%20Januari%202015>*
> *Please help us promoting this important webinar by*
> *Forwarding the information about the webinar to you friends, network,
> mailing list and organizational www sites.*
> Find here information on how to connect to the webinar
> <http://www.gkpf.org/?p=webinardc150114#howtoconnect>
> If you have any questions or suggestions please contact us under: Klaus
> Stoll, klaus.stoll@xxxxxxxx, Rudi Vansnick, rudi.vansnick@xxxxxxxx

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