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[npoc-voice] Fwd: Invitation to meet with the ICANN Board Sunday morning, Feb 8, re institutional confidence

  • To: NPOC membership list <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Fwd: Invitation to meet with the ICANN Board Sunday morning, Feb 8, re institutional confidence
  • From: Rudi Vansnick <rudi.vansnick@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2015 09:16:51 +0100

Dear member,

Steve Crocker, chair of the ICANN board, send this email yesterday, an 
invitation to meet with him and the board on Sunday 8 feb. This invitation is 
quite interesting as the objective seems to be :  will be discussing improving 
institutional confidence During the NCPH meeting in Washington a few weeks ago, 
we had a similar discussion with Fadi. What could be done better, what should 
ICANN stop doing, etc … So, if there are items you would me to put forward, 
please send them before Sunday.

Kind regards,

Rudi Vansnick
Chair Non-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC)
www.npoc.org <http://www.npoc.org/>

Tel : +32 (0)9 329 39 16
Mobile : +32 (0)475 28 16 32

> NCSG: Rafik Dammak
> NCUC: William Drake
> NPOC: Rudy Vansnick
> BC: Elisa Cooper
> IPC: Steve Metalitz
> ISP: Tony Holmes
> RySG: Keith Drazek
> RrSG: Michele Neylon
> GNSO SG and Constituency chairs,
> As part of our internal Board sessions in Singapore the ICANN Board will be 
> discussing improving institutional confidence and we’d like to invite you, as 
> Chairs of the gNSO stakeholder groups and constituencies, to join us. We 
> would very much value your input generally and also focussed on what we 
> should stop doing, what we should continue to do and what we should start 
> doing.
> The session is tentatively slated for the 0945 Sunday 8th. I realize that 
> many of you will have sessions of your own during the morning but wondered if 
> you would be kind enough to let me know whether you would be able to spend an 
> hour or so with the Board from 0945?
> We apologize for the short notice.  We will try to proceed if there is a 
> sufficient number of you available, and we will find other times to talk to 
> each of you if cannot come Sunday morning.  Please let us know if you’re 
> available.
> Thanks,
> Steve Crocker

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