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[npoc] Fwd: RV: Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns (NPOC) Wiki Space - Request for pictures and SOIs
- To: npoc@xxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [npoc] Fwd: RV: Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns (NPOC) Wiki Space - Request for pictures and SOIs
- From: Alain Berranger <alain.berranger@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 14:26:00 -0500
Thanks Eduardo,
Dear Olévié, Poncelet and Marie-laure, please send a picture of yourself
for the NPOC wiki. Thanks.
Dear NPOC-EC members: for those of you that have not submitted an SOI,
please do so soonest, it is a requirement of ICANN for participation. If
you do not succeed in completing your SOI, Ken may be able to help you.
Since I did it all on my own, it cannot be that difficult!!!!
Cheers, Alain
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eduardo Monge Gutierrez <eduardo.monge@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 5:05 PM
Subject: RV: Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns (NPOC) Wiki Space
To: Alain Berranger <alain.berranger@xxxxxxxxx>
** **
I have been in contact with Ken Bour since I also received a notice of
changes on the NPOC`s community wiki pages.****
** **
See the exchange below. Ken asks for pictures of Olivier and Poncelet and
ask EC members to file their SOIs.****
** **
** **
*De:* Ken Bour [mailto:ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx]
*Enviado el:* martes, 12 de febrero de 2013 14:01
*Para:* Eduardo Monge Gutierrez
*CC:* Hoggarth, Robert (ICANN)
*Asunto:* Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns (NPOC) Wiki Space****
** **
Hi Eduardo:****
** **
I made the changes you requested. It would be nice to have pictures for
Poncelet, Marie-laure, and Olivier. Also, there are also a few SOIs that
have yet to be created on the GNSO site <https://community.icann.org/x/c4Lg>.
** **
Also, I wanted you to be aware of an email that Alain sent to me and my
response (att’d). ****
** **
I do hope that we can work something out together so that NPOC leaders feel
comfortable with this redesigned Wiki site. ****
** **
** **
** **
P.S. I fixed the macro for “Recently Activity” which was not showing any
content. It appears to be working now…****
** **
*From:* Eduardo Monge Gutierrez
*Sent:* Monday, February 11, 2013 11:56 AM
*To:* Ken Bour
*Subject:* RE: RV: [community] Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group >
Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns (NPOC)****
** **
** **
Dear Ken,****
** **
My comments:****
** **
At https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=38046394****
*The current NPOC's Appointments to the Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group
(NCSG) should say the following:*
*NCSG Executive Committee*
*Alain Berranger and Cintra Sooknanan*
NCSG Policy Committee****
Judy Branzelle and Lori Schulman****
** **
Can you update it, please?****
*At the **NPOC Wiki site: **NPOC
** / **https://community.icann.org/display/NPOCC/NPOC+Home***
Thanks for the updates and visual improvements. We will then try to keep
updating this site. ****
** **
Can you update the leadership page at
https://community.icann.org/display/NPOCC/Leadership with the current
information available at our web site about “NPOC Executive Committee
members” at http://www.npoc.org/npocexecutivecommittee.html ?****
** **
Yes go ahead and remove the top message, we will keep updating the site.***
** **
** **
** **
** **
*De:* Ken Bour [mailto:ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx <ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx>]
*Enviado el:* sábado, 09 de febrero de 2013 16:45
*Para:* Eduardo Monge Gutierrez
*Asunto:* RE: RV: [community] Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group >
Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns (NPOC)****
** **
Hi Eduardo:****
** **
I was doing some redesign work in the NCSG Stakeholder Group space,
authorized by Robin Gross, and removed a duplicate NPOC page there, which
evidently prompted the email alert. To double-check my work, I just
restored the deleted page and confirmed that the information was, indeed,
duplicated. The consolidated info is now located at:
https://community.icann.org/x/uopEAg. ****
** **
I did not remove anything from the NPOC space; however, while I was
visiting your space, I did improve the Home Page a bit (removed the green
arrows and made the headings live links) and added some stats at the bottom
(recent activity, page views). If you check the Recent Activity, you’ll see
that no page adds/deletes have been made. ****
** **
Please let me know if everything is OK after you check the site. I think we
should remove the top message if this site is active now. What do you
think? ****
** **
** **
*From:* Eduardo Monge Gutierrez
*Sent:* Saturday, February 09, 2013 4:41 PM
*To:* ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx
*Subject:* RV: RV: [community] Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group >
Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns (NPOC)****
** **
Dear Ken,****
Please see below my message of February 7th that was not delivered to your @
jabber.icann.org account.****
Eduardo Monge****
NPOC Communications Committee Chair****
*De:* Microsoft Exchange
*Enviado el:* sábado, 09 de febrero de 2013 10:36 a.m.
*Para:* Eduardo Monge Gutierrez
*Asunto:* Undeliverable: RV: [community] Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group >
Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns (NPOC)****
*No se ha podido realizar la entrega a estos destinatarios o listas de
Microsoft Exchange ha estado intentando entregar este mensaje, pero no ha
tenido éxito y lo ha dejado. Intente reenviarlo más tarde o proporcione el
siguiente texto de diagnóstico al administrador del sistema.****
*De:* Eduardo Monge Gutierrez
*Enviado el:* jueves, 07 de febrero de 2013 10:30 a.m.
*Para:* ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
*Asunto:* RV: [community] Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group > Not-for-Profit
Operational Concerns (NPOC)****
Dear Ken,****
I receive a notice that your remove the old NPOC page on the community wiki?
Are you planning to update it? Or you would rather have NPOC update the
page at https://community.icann.org/display/NPOCC/NPOC+Home ?****
Eduardo Monge****
NPOC Communications Committee Chair****
Web site www.npoc.org <http://www.npoc.org%3chttp:/www.npoc.org>****
Twitter @NPOC_ICANN <https://twitter.com/NPOC_ICANN>****
Eduardo Monge****
Omar Dengo Foundation****
San Jose, Costa Rica****
*De:* Ken Bour (Confluence) [mailto:no-reply@xxxxxxxxx <no-reply@xxxxxxxxx>]
*Enviado el:* jueves, 07 de febrero de 2013 10:01
*Para:* Eduardo Monge Gutierrez
*Asunto:* [community] Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group > Not-for-Profit
Operational Concerns (NPOC)****
[image: cid:image001.jpg@01CE07ED.77E54200]****
Ken Bour <https://community.icann.org/display/~ken.bour> removed the page: *
*Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns (NPOC)** *****
*Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC)* ****
- NPOC web site: http://www.npoc.org / ****
- NPOC listserve public archives:
http://forum.icann.org/lists/npoc-voice/ ****
*NPOC Executive Committee:* ****
*NPOC Constituency Chair:*****
*Alain Berranger of Fundacion Chasquinet*****
NPOC Constituency Vice-Chair:****
Lori Schulman of Water Environment Research Foundation****
Amber Sterling of the Association of American Medical Colleges****
Membership Committee Chair:****
Klaus Stoll of Fundacion Chasquinet****
Policy Committee Chair:****
Judy Branzelle of Goodwill Industries International****
Communications Committee Chair:****
Eduardo Monge of Fundacion Omar Dengo****
Acting Treasurer:****
Eduardo Monge of Fundacion Omar Dengo****
*Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG) Appointments* ****
*NCSG Executive Council:*****
*Alain Berranger and Lori Schulman*****
NCSG Policy Committee:****
Judy Branzelle and Lori Schulman****
*Approval Motion - 24 June 2011*****
*1.5. Proposal for a Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency in
the GNSO*****
*Whereas, the Board has specifically directed that efforts be made to
provide leadership and guidance within the GNSO's Non-Commercial
Stakeholder Group to encourage the creation of broad, diverse
and representative new GNSO Constituencies advancing global non-commercial
Whereas, the Board has received a formal petition for the creation of a
Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC) within the GNSO.****
*Whereas, the NPOC proposal has been subjected to a two-phase, public
process that was instituted as part of the GNSO Improvements Review.*****
*Whereas, staff conducted a Public Comment Forum giving community members
the opportunity to review and comment upon the proposed NPOC Charter and
the comments submitted in that proceeding were consistently favorable
regarding the NPOC proposal.*****
*Whereas, this new GNSO Constituency will expand participation in GNSO
policy development efforts by formally recognizing a vibrant new community
that will represent the non-commercial perspective of not-for-profit and
non-governmental organizations who are registrants and users of domain
*Resolved (2011.06.24.05), the Board approves the proposed charter of the
new Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency and formally
recognizes the organization as an official Constituency within the GNSO's
Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG) eligible for formal GNSO
administrative support and subject to the NCSG Charter approved by the
*Resolved (2011.06.24.06), the Board thanks Debra Y. Hughes, appointed by
the Board to the GNSO Council, for her leadership in helping to establish
this new Constituency.*****
*Rationale for Resolutions 2011.06.24.05 – 2011.06.24.06*****
*The promotion of new GNSO Constituencies was one of the fundamental
recommendations of the GNSO Review effort and an important intentional
strategy to expand participation in GNSO policy development efforts. The
approval of a new GNSO Constituency will impact the ICANN budget by
increasing administrative support of community activities during ICANN
Public meetings and throughout the year. This is within the parameters of
the proposed FY12 budget and no substantial additional budget resources
will be impacted by the approval of this new Constituency. This new
additional organizational structure will not have any technical impact
on the security, stability or resiliency of the DNS.*****
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ken Bour <ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: 'Alain Berranger' <alain.berranger@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: 'Robert Hoggarth' <robert.hoggarth@xxxxxxxxx>, 'Robin Gross' <
robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, 'William Drake' <william.drake@xxxxxx>, "
npoc@xxxxxxxxx" <npoc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2013 23:05:32 -0600
Subject: RE: [community] Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group > Applicants to
Hi Alain:****
** **
I can appreciate your feeling of being overwhelmed. It must seem very new
and quite foreign; however, all that I really did was redesign the Home
Page so that finding topics is a bit more graphical and inviting
(hopefully) than is typically the case with Wikis. If you look on the left
navigation menu, you will see the same topic headings and, if you further
expand each one, you will see familiar subordinate page structures.
Material I added, as a starting point, was basically copied/pasted from
other sources (e.g., NPOC website). Please be assured that the process for
generating new content, editing existing pages, and adding
comments/attachments, is exactly the same as it was before I designed the
Home Page. ****
** **
If you think it might be helpful, perhaps I could lead an orientation
session for NPOC leaders and any members who are active in developing
online content. I feel confident that, with a bit of explanation concerning
the layout and organization, the site will appear less daunting. ****
** **
I should also mention that Rob Hoggarth is spearheading internal ICANN
discussions concerning how best to develop and share Wiki training
materials. Options being considered include webinars, self-paced tutorials,
and others.****
** **
Please let me know what I can do to make the NPOC Wiki site more useful to
** **
** **
Ken Bour****
** **
*P.S. The NCSG space was recently redesigned at their request after having
approved a prototype very similar in design to the NPOC Wiki space. *
** **
*From:* Alain Berranger [mailto:alain.berranger@xxxxxxxxx]
*Sent:* Sunday, February 10, 2013 10:28 PM
*To:* Ken Bour (Confluence)
*Cc:* Robert Hoggarth; Robin Gross; William Drake; npoc@xxxxxxxxx
*Subject:* Fwd: [community] Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group > Applicants
to NCSG****
** **
Thanks Ken,****
** **
It looks like a lot of work! My challenge is that I do not know where to
start to use it and frankly I do not feel any ownership - it seems like one
more thing to learn - so I cannot see yet how it will make NPOC
volunteers' work easier... Although we feel huge ownership of NPOC and just
getting the feel that NCSG is also ours, frankly I just feel lost... I'm
sure we will find ways forward but am at lost now to see how that will
** **
Best regards, Alain****
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Ken Bour (Confluence)* <no-reply@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 2:25 PM
Subject: [community] Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group > Applicants to NCSG
To: alain.berranger@xxxxxxxxx
Ken Bour <https://community.icann.org/display/~ken.bour> moved the page: ***
*Applicants to NCSG*
** **
Non-Commercial Stakeholder
** **
Non-Commercial Stakeholder
Membership <https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Membership>
Stop watching
Notifications <https://community.icann.org/users/editmyemailsettings.action>
** **
This message was sent by Atlassian
Confluence<http://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence>4.3.1, the
Wiki <http://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence/tour/enterprise-wiki.jsp>
** **
Alain Berranger, B.Eng, MBA****
Member, Board of Directors, CECI,
Executive-in-residence, Schulich School of Business, www.schulich.yorku.ca**
Treasurer, Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation, www.gkpfoundation.org***
NA representative, Chasquinet Foundation, www.chasquinet.org
Chair, NPOC, NCSG, ICANN, http://npoc.org/
O:+1 514 484 7824; M:+1 514 704 7824
Skype: alain.berranger****
** **
** **
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** **
Alain Berranger, B.Eng, MBA
Member, Board of Directors, CECI,
Executive-in-residence, Schulich School of Business, www.schulich.yorku.ca
Treasurer, Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation, www.gkpfoundation.org
NA representative, Chasquinet Foundation, www.chasquinet.org
Chair, NPOC, NCSG, ICANN, http://npoc.org/
O:+1 514 484 7824; M:+1 514 704 7824
Skype: alain.berranger
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