No Tiered Pricing on .ORG .INFO .BIZ Domains
Dear ICANN --- As an avid Internet User and web-site owner, I feel that the tiered pricing scheme proposed for the .ORG .INFO and the .BIZ will open a pandora's box of problem for free markets on the Internet. Allowing Registry's to tier the pricing of Domain's gives them unbalanced and unchecked powers of influence in the realm of politics (i.e. when the registry's views are different of the Registered Domains). In addition, it squelches the small-business growth in making domain-names inaccessible to new emerging company's who are unable to pay the $1-billion/domain name that is possible. Tiered Domain Names is the GENTRIFICATION of the Internet address-estate. This will encourage corporate monopoly's and ruin the free-economy of current domain-space. Rent control for Domain Name's now! Chipp [at] Chipp [dot] Org |