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no to variable pricing

  • To: <org-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: no to variable pricing
  • From: "Lori Joyner" <lori.joyner@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 10:30:19 -0400

As a small business owner who has made a considerable investment in
developing the domain names I own, I am firmly opposed to the variable
pricing of domain names by the .org registry.
In my opinion, this is a disastrous move that will put your average small
business person OUT OF BUSINESS! The only ones who will stay in business are
the VERY BIG PLAYERS! The rest of us will lose our online businesses.
If you were clever enough to get started early and grab a good domain name,
shouldn't you be rewarded for that?  If I want to sell a domain name, making
a profit on something I own, that would be my perogative.  But who benefits
from variable pricing?  I build up a business and then because I made it
successful or because I forsee a trend, I get taxed out of existence.  
I vote no to variable pricing.
Lori Joyner

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