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Registry Contracts

  • To: biz-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx, info-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx, org-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Registry Contracts
  • From: "Christian Burck" <cburck@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 14:21:41 -0500

I wish to express my profound concern that the proposed registry
agreements for .org, .biz and .info do not prohibit predatory price
rises by the registries. ICANN was entirely right to object to
Verisign's SiteFinder service, and for all the right reasons, but
appears not to have learned the obvious lesson: that registries can be
motivated to do things that are not in registrants' interests.

Given that reality, removal of price caps is likely to result in
anticompetitive practices that seriously impact internet stakeholders.
I hope that you will reconsider this aspect of the agreements.


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