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Level of consensus

  • To: pdp-initial-report@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Level of consensus
  • From: maruyama@xxxxxxxxx (MARUYAMA Naomasa)
  • Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 18:33:15 +0900 (JST)

Sorry for a last minute posting.  It's still 31, August in some part
of the World, I believe.

As it is mentioned in Annex I, PDP is a very important tool for
"consensus policies".  In this regard, I think it is very important
role of final reports of PDPs to give objective description of "level
of consensus" for each opinions/recommendations.  I strongly believe
that this should be one of the major guiding principles of PDP.  From
this point of view, my answer to a question given in the
Recommendation 38 is:

No, the GNSO Council should not have the flexibility to `pick and
choose' recommendations.

-- Quote from Recommendation 38, p. 15

There is discussion within the PDP-WT whether the GNSO Council should
have the flexibility to `pick and choose' recommendations. There is no
agreement yet on what guidance, if any, should be given on
recommendations that have not received full consensus. The PDP-WT
hopes to receive further input on this issue during the public comment

-- End of quote

(Mr.) NaoMASA Maruyama
Japan Network Information Center(JPNIC)

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