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RE: [pdp-pcceg-feb06] GNSO PDP Feb 06: Proposed Work Plan

  • To: "Cubberley, Maureen \(CHT\)" <MCubberley@xxxxxxxxx>, "Liz Williams" <liz.williams@xxxxxxxxx>, <pdp-pcceg-feb06@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [pdp-pcceg-feb06] GNSO PDP Feb 06: Proposed Work Plan
  • From: "Cubberley, Maureen \(CHT\)" <MCubberley@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 07:33:09 -0500

Fellow TF Members, and ICANN Staff,

Liz, thank you for this draft work plan. As I noted in my email earlier
today, I have reviewed my notes from the Aug 10 task force
teleconference and the MP3 recording, and I have added some elements to
the work plan and altered the timeline to reflect the TF's discussion. I
have also considered the points that have been raised by some of the
task force members in emails over the past few days. 

I do understand that the dates you have proposed reflect the PDP
guidelines as they stand, and the importance of working within the PDP
guidelines, according to the bylaws. However, it is my view that the
preliminary Report does not contain the information we need to move
forward within the timeframes set out in the guidelines and bylaws. 

My understanding, and an understanding that was also voiced on the call
by other TF members, is that the PDP guidelines call for only two
reports, a Preliminary Report and a Final Report, and in between those
two reports, the TF meets and votes on the Preliminary Report. 

As I read the guidelines, there is an anticipation and understanding
that the Preliminary Report will contain all of the input and materials
needed to enable it to also contain analysis and conclusions.  What we
have in this particular preliminary Report for TF Feb 06 reads much more
like initial thinking. Analysis and conclusions are absent.

I realize that Liz has repeatedly asked the TF for additional input, and
in particular for specific input from the Constituencies. As well, some
TF members have asked that resources be allocated in order that we may
solicit expert advice on some of the questions raised in the Terms of

Consideration of the guidelines and bylaws is what is driving the work
schedule that has been proposed.  I continue, nonetheless, to believe
that it is counter-productive to place process before content and to
adhere to a process if the content is missing.  

While Staff has worked diligently to provide us with a Preliminary
Report, the reality is that it does not give us enough content to move
ahead to the Final Report, so we have asked for additional iterations of
it.  This in itself compromises the guidelines, which call for only 2
reports, Preliminary and final, as I noted above.

Time has lapsed between the establishment of this TF and now. Please
review the adjustments I have made to the work plan that was originally
proposed. It is my intention that it these changes will

a) reflect the Aug 10 discussions more fully

b) provide a framework for moving to the Final Report stage as
efficiently and quickly as possible.


My changes are highlighted in yellow





From: owner-pdp-pcceg-feb06@xxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-pdp-pcceg-feb06@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Liz Williams
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 5:38 AM
To: pdp-pcceg-feb06@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [pdp-pcceg-feb06] GNSO PDP Feb 06: Proposed Work Plan




I have set out below my understanding of where the group had agreement
from yesterday's call.  During the call, no motions were agreed and the
minutes will only reflect tentative discussions.


Work plan


16 August 2006:  Final edits to be sent on Preliminary Taskforce Report.
Please include "impact on constituency analysis" and identify specific
areas where expert opinion should be sought. and please provide specific
text change suggestions.


16 August 2006:  Final deadline for submission of suggestions for expert



23 August 2006:  Distribution of expert materials for consideration by
the TF together with an analysis by Staff of whether the expert
materials provided  address the specific areas where advice is needed,
or whether live experts should be retained to work directly with the TF


21 September 2006: Proposed date for next teleconference I believe we
need to move this date up 

Proposed new date September 12. 

Note to Glen: Please ascertain TF and Staff availability for week of
Sept 11 - 15, ideally before the Sept 14 GNSO Council Call 

- agenda will be sent 7 days prior to the call.  Call designed to
discuss expert materials and proceed with plans for bringing in experts,
if needed. 


and impact on drafting of Preliminary Taskforce Report.  Note that this
is after the already scheduled Amsterdam meetings and after the regular
GNSO Council call on 14 September.


If Funds are available, schedule F2F meeting for 2 days during period
October 10, 11, 12. 3 locations have been proposed, DC, LA, Toronto


After October F2F Meeting - or - extended teleconferences instead of F2F
2006:  Release completed  Preliminary Taskforce Report and begin 20 day
public comment period


20 days later :  Public comment period closes


Note:  Remainder of schedule moves forward accordingly.....and GNSO
Council meets in Sao Paulo to discuss and approve FINAL REPORT



20 October 2006:  Release of Final Report to GNSO Council -- please note
section 10 of PDP guidelines which refers to Council deliberation and,
if the Council chooses, hearing of expert advisors


30 October 2006:  GNSO Council meets to discuss Final Report.
Incorporation of any final commentary. 


3 November 2006:  Release of Board Report.


Note that these dates reflect the PDP guidelines as they stand. 


I would appreciate a formal motion being passed to agree this schedule.
This can be done by email.  Note section 11 of the current PDP
guidelines that require minuting of all decisions for incorporation into
the Board Report.


In addition, I would also appreciate a motion that would approve the
minutes of the previous call -- please consult those minutes if you were
present at the meeting so that you can vote to accept those minutes
before our next teleconference.


Of course, any questions or comments, let me know.






Liz Williams

Senior Policy Counselor

ICANN - Brussels

+32 2 234 7874 tel

+32 2 234 7848 fax

+32 497 07 4243 mob





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