[pdp-pcceg-feb06] Initial comments by registry constituency members on reports being discussed today
Group "B" report The first comment pertains to the Background section where it states: 3. All recommendations found below are ‘straw proposals’ after discussion conducted on four telephonic meetings – October 11, October 13, October 19, and October 26. In the body of the document, each of the recommendations is then referred to as a "policy recommendation". This makes the body of the document somewhat misleading. Certainly ICANN's GNSO does not recommend policies to the ICANN Board that are nothing more than "straw proposals". Let's end any potential confusion here before it starts. Straw polls by inherent meaning are not policy recommendations that would infer to any reasonable third party a certain threshold of due diligence vs. that of a straw poll. In the body, where ever it says "policy recommendation" should be replaced by "straw poll result".