[pdp-pcceg-feb06] PDP Feb 06: Work update
Colleagues I said I would come back to you after last Friday's conference call with a couple of things which I've set out below. 1. I will prepare a summary document of the straw proposals which indicates which had what level of support. I will be noting where there was constituency as opposed to individual support. This document should be read in tandem with the draft Task Force Report which has already been prepared -- http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/GNSO- PDP-Feb06-TFR-07nov06.pdf 2. I will release that document by COB Friday 24 November. 3. There was talk of a "planning session" for the group for its Sao Paulo work. I cannot do a conference call this week as all my available slots are taken. Given that I have to support the work of the Committee, I would prefer that calls are not scheduled without my participation particularly in the lead up to the Sao Paulo sessions. 4. However, please provide to the Secretariat your availability for a working session of the group on Monday 4 December 8am - 10am. This will cause a conflict for some people but the already packed ICANN meeting schedule doesn't allow many alternatives. Between now and that session, please use the document I will send out a 2. above to ensure that each constituency is aware of the discussions, understands the proposed recommendations and provide updates, in the form of text and line edits, if necessary. At the working session, we can confirm the status of the recommendations to enable the completion of the Task Force Report. Note that the proposed Monday session would give time for further discussion within the group to take place prior to the Constituency meetings later in the week. Of course, any questions just ask. Liz ..................................................... Liz Williams Senior Policy Counselor ICANN - Brussels +32 2 234 7874 tel +32 2 234 7848 fax +32 497 07 4243 mob |