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RrSG Position re PEDNR Final Report

  • To: "pednr-proposed-final-report@xxxxxxxxx" <pednr-proposed-final-report@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RrSG Position re PEDNR Final Report
  • From: "Clarke D. Walton" <clarke.walton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2011 01:07:37 -0400

April 22, 2011

Registrar Stakeholder Group Position Regarding
Post Expiration Domain Name Recovery Final Report


The Registrar Stakeholder Group ("RrSG") is providing feedback regarding the 
Post Expiration Domain Name Recovery Final Report ("PEDNR Final Report").  This 
position paper captures the overall sentiment expressed by the RrSG members who 
provided feedback about this matter.  Due to time constraints, however, no 
formal vote regarding this position paper was taken.


The RrSG supports the Final Report of the PEDNR PDP Working Group as it 
currently stands.  We acknowledge that consensus was difficult to achieve in 
some areas, but thank the group for its work.

Furthermore, we would like to express to the GNSO Council and ICANN staff that 
it is our position that all 14 recommendations in the PEDNR Final Report are 
inter-dependent.  As such, they should be considered, and adopted, as a group.


The opinions expressed by the RrSG in this position paper should not be 
interpreted to reflect the individual opinion of any particular RrSG member.

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