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Clarification of timeline and process by ICANN

  • To: <principles-comments@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Clarification of timeline and process by ICANN
  • From: "Bernard Turcotte" <bernard.turcotte@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 18:32:37 -0400

Given there is no link on this set of pages to the announcement on the main
ICANN page clarifying the timeline and process we provide the text and link
in this message:




Clarification of Consultation Process for the Development of Transparency
and Accountability Management Operating Principles

27 October 2006 

The consultation process posted on 16 October 2006 has a number of phases.

The first part of the consultation process seeks responses to a series of
questions that have already been posted.

Responses are sought by October 31, 2006.

This date is for the lodging of preliminary responses ONLY.

It will not be the last opportunity for community input.

A summary of the thoughts and inputs from this initial phase as well as a
first draft of the principles will be posted in November 2006 for further

In addition to seeking comments from the community, other workstreams are
taking place concurrently:

*       Research is being undertaken to identify other organizations that
have accountability and transparency frameworks or charters. These
frameworks and charters will be analyzed to see if there are lessons that
might be applied in the ICANN context.
*       A review is underway to identify organizations that offer
benchmarking or audit services in the area of accountability and
transparency for not for profit organizations to see if ICANN might be able
to use such services for an independent review or for further advice

It had been hoped that a final draft of the Management Operating Principles
could be adopted by the Board at the Sao Paulo meeting. 

However, to ensure the consultation phase is adequate, comments on the first
draft of principles will be extended to December 31, 2006. They will also be
reviewed at the Sao Paolo meeting as part of the discussions on the
Strategic Plan.

A final draft of the principles will be posted in the new year with a view
to the Board adopting them at the ICANN meeting of March 26 - 30, 2007 to be
held in Lisbon, Portugal.


October 16 2006: Series of Questions about Management Operating principles
October 31 2006: Initial responses required to posted questions.
November 2006: Summary of responses and first draft of principles posted.
Further comment to be received.
December 2-8 2006: Discussion of first draft of principles and further input
at Sao Paolo meeting.
December 31 2006: Final date for input to development of Management
Operating Principles.
February 2007: Posting of final draft of Management Operating Principles.
March 26-30 2007: Adoption of Management Operating Principles by ICANN Board
at Lisbon Meeting.





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