A Possible framework suitable for the Caribbean Region
Framework of Response: A con census from participating countries, sub-regions, economic sectors, private/public sector, etc. must first emerge based on broad representation from credible advocates from each such sector. For this reason this response will not attempt to prescribe "piecemeal" solutions, but rather identify a framework that would be helpful over the longer term. Background: The Caribbean is characterized by wide disparities among constituent Countries.. At one extreme there are dependances of more developed countries, Puerto Rico, French and Dutch Antilles, and at the other (lower end) the recently independent (primarily) English-speaking nations. The problem is one of the incapability of key decision-makers in this latter category of understanding and articulating their needs; and then defining the function requirements of a mechanism to advocate / facilitate on their behalf. Framework requirements: In view of this problem, it would be in the best interest of these "emerging" nations that the ICANN structure allow for the following: a) Forums for free and open exchange of ideas and concepts among participants at all levels of the hierarchy. b) A focus on developing learning and understanding among the representatives of "disadvantaged" countries at the strategic, design/functional and operational; level. c) Maintaining as flexible a regime of rules, guidelines, etc. so that as "disadvantaged" countries become able to engage at a technical level, their needs can be incorporated ongoing. d) Fostering links between ICANN and emergingean Regional advocacy groups to encourage the evolution of a more sophisticated needs / functional and technology-based dialog. e) Consideration for focus groups that can spear-head the necessary planning and specification of issues; and then guide the wider participation from key sectors / interest groups. |