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re: XYZ.COM LLC application request 2014154

  • To: registryservice@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: re: XYZ.COM LLC application request 2014154
  • From: mojoincolorado@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2015 11:53:16 -0500

 RE:  XYZ.COM LLC  application request 2014154

To whom it may concern,

The application by XYZ.com should be rejected at this time. It does not merit a 
top level web address for the following:

The internet is a space that should encourage access unencumbered by government 
Top level domain names exist that are clearly under the authority or censorship 
of the Chinese government to even the most casual user.

These top level domain names are sufficient to identify to users that 
information may be limited or compromised by Chinese government interests.

The XYZ.com domain names in this request are not clearly either a commercial 
extension, nor a Chinese government related extension.

A web site that is clearly owned by a commercial interest (xxx.audi for 
example) is clearly biased nor objective.No one expects them to be due to the 
domain name extension, in spite of the leading name segment 
(objectivecarsales.audi for example -- purely fictional and no bias against 
Similarly, a web site named with a country or government name (xxx.china, 
xxx.gov, etc) would be clearly affected by or obviously project policies of a 
particular government (legal, political, commercial, etc). Again, reasonably 
obvious to a user.

The current domain name extensions in this request (.college, .rent, theatre, 
.protection, .security) are too broad in their application to make it clear 
these are under the approval authority or influence of the Chinese government. 
The application makes it clear that their will be no review of suitability of 
the Chinese governments rejection of the registrants web name.  

Nor will it be obvious to the user of such domain name extensions when the web 
page is a censored page or an uncensored (or other government influenced) page. 
 Even more than may already exist in other domains (that are heavily influenced 
by government authority).

The list of words that cannot be included in a domain name in China is fluid 
and subject to political whim. Its very nature is disruptive to a wide ranging 
and stable world internet access and operation.

M. Cunningham

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