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  • To: revised-settlement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: myopic
  • From: "Mark Jackson" <mjackson.nova@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2006 23:40:23 +0100

Having read many of the comments on this board, "myopic" is the word that
seems to best describe the anti-settlement rantings of the registrar

These registrars and their spokesman are focused entirely on their own near
term revenues without concern for the future security and growth of the
Internet.  Perhaps the most obvious evidence is their knee-jerk reaction to
the proposed price increases.  They say that price increases don't make any
sense b/c they don't track with inflation, etc.

The management of the internet infrastructure has not and cannot be
"commoditized" as they suggest.  Not only is the Internet rapidly expanding
its user base, but it is also facing increasing demands on the
infrastructure.  This doesn't even mention the fact that as the Internet
become an increasingly critical piece of the world's communications
infrastructure, the threat of attacks against it grows everyday.  Ensuring
that the Internet continues to be secure and reliable into the future
requires increased resources, not less.

Let's look to the future and approve this settlement or something similar.

Mark Jackson
Alexandria, VA

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