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A note about forthcoming IPC comments

  • To: <rrdrp-15feb10@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: A note about forthcoming IPC comments
  • From: <McGradyP@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 15:59:22 -0500

Dear ICANN: 


IPC is diligently working on comments for this topic.  However, due to
the fact that ICANN currently has 19 comment periods currently open,
including 9 separate public comment deadlines on vital topics all for
the same day, and that day happened to fall during the celebrations of
the Jewish Passover and the Christian Holy Week, our comments on this
topic will be filed as early as practical next week following the Easter
holiday.  We trust that, under the circumstances, ICANN will still
consider our comments in good faith, even if filed late, in light of
ICANN's choice to schedule the deadlines as it did.




Paul D. McGrady, Jr. 
Greenberg Traurig, LLP 
77 West Wacker Drive, Suite 2500 
Chicago, IL 60601 
312 456 8426 tel 
312 899 0407 fax 
mcgradyp@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:mcgradyp@xxxxxxxxx>  
Assistant:  Loyanna Grierson (312) 236-4952 Direct Dial (312) 456-8435
Facsimile griersonl@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:griersonl@xxxxxxxxx>  

Links: www.paulmcgrady.com <http://www.paulmcgrady.com/>  and
www.mcgradyondomainnames.com <http://www.mcgradyondomainnames.com/> 




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