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Registry Stakeholder Group Petition and Charter comments

  • To: ryc-sg-petition@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Registry Stakeholder Group Petition and Charter comments
  • From: George Kirikos <gkirikos@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 12:52:40 -0700 (PDT)


We oppose the charter as currently drafted at:


In particular, as per my prior comments relating to transparency at:


there should be public mailing list archives, public budgets and public 
membership lists. Meetings should also be archived in MP3 format, and ideally 
be accompanied by transcripts.

As part of the GNSO Toolkit, ICANN staff might want to consider electronic 
voting software such as from www.bigpulse.com for all stakeholder groups and/or 

The membership fees do not seem to be based on any model as to costs, and seem 
arbitrary and excessive. Given any secretariat duties should be tendered to the 
lowest cost provider, or perhaps even handled via ICANN's GNSO Toolkit, thought 
should be given to making the membership fees as close to zero as possible, in 
order to maximize the membership (and thus the representativeness of the group).

Furthermore, instead of a "Secretariat" as defined in the draft charter, there 
should be an *elected* position of Secretary, an officer, elected by and from 


George Kirikos

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