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Inform TLDs about the potential effects of using dotless domains.

  • To: sac053-dotless-domains@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Inform TLDs about the potential effects of using dotless domains.
  • From: Niels Haarbo <haarbo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2012 09:43:35 +0200 (CEST)

DK Hostmaster finds that the conclusions in the SAC053 Report on Dotless 
Domains are so inconclusive that we strongly recommend against deciding 
any rules to or contractually prohibit dotless domains. As stated in the 
report "these potential ambiguities make it very difficult in practice to 
predict how a dotless domain will be resolved in different situations". We 
find that there is no strong reason to be ruling against dotless domains. 
Instead it is advised to inform TLDs about the potential effects of using 
dotless domains.
Best regards,

Niels Haarbo
Technical manager,
DK Hostmaster A/S

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