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Comments on Expanding Developing Economies Participation in the New gTLD Program

  • To: <second-milestone-report@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Comments on Expanding Developing Economies Participation in the New gTLD Program
  • From: Naveed haq <naveedpta@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2011 20:17:10 +0000

Dear Sir,

The concerns generated by ICANN to in order to expand the participation of 
developing countries in new gTLD program are commendable. This work attains 
more significance with the fact the majority of businesses, service providers 
and other Internet stakeholders in such economies are not aware with the latest 
developments at global Internet resources stage. There are likely to be 
situations where a business in a developing economy may be quite interested in 
bringing more innovative internet-based services through its own top level 
domain but the enterprise is completely unaware of any such opportunity. 

While the benefit likely to be received by applicants include proposed cost 
reduction, it would be appropriate that in next versions the document defines a 
probable final cost associated with such eligible applicants from developing 
countries. Moreover, awareness / outreach efforts may carried out in a planned 
/ targeted manner. A pre-scan of economy's organizational structure, businesses 
groups and other relevant audience may assist in getting the desired results.   

ICANN fellows representing developing economies and other local Internet 
community structures (ISP Associations, ISOC Chapters, Technology activist) 
could assist greatly in broadcasting the awareness.  

The comments submitted are purely in a personal capacity.

Best Regards,

Assistant Director (ICT)
Pakistan Telecom Authority 
Headquarters F-5/1, 


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