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So far, I must admit "...I DON'T GET IT"

  • To: settlement-comments@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: So far, I must admit "...I DON'T GET IT"
  • From: Telecomventures@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2005 06:43:58 EST

After reviewing my comments below ..would you please take  the time to 
explain to me why such a settlement is in the public interest.  
Some Highlights Why ICANN should NOT sign the settlement  with Verisign. 
    *   The settlement agreement allows Verisign to increase the price of 
.com  domain names to every Registrar by 7% every year. Currently  Verisign 
charges all Registrars $6 for every domain name. The new settlement  agreement 
however allows them to increase prices to all of us without any cost  
justification. They can simply increase the price by 7% EACH year. 

    *   This means Verisign WILL (not "may" increase as  agreed) double the 
price in 10 years. Naturally any increase in  price mean all Registrars have to 
increase their prices at large. This  adversely reduces our sales and reduces 
our potential to sell  other Internet Products. 

    *   The settlement proposes that ICANN is giving Verisign an  "unfair 
chance" to make more than 2 Billion Dollars  extra over the next 10 years. This 
may by far be the most expensive settlement  ever in any industry or commerce. 

    *   That 2 Billion Dollars are coming out of our / our customers  pocket. 

    *   The proposed settlement agreement also without any consideration  for 
any economic indicator to doubles the ICANN fees charged to  Registrars. 
Currently Registrars pay 25 cents per domain name to ICANN.  The new agreement 
will make that 50 cents. This again means all Registrars  will further increase 
what they charge for dot Com Domain Names. 

    *   The new settlement agreement has a perpetual presumptive renewal 
clause.  This means that Verisign will permanently hold on to the dot Com 
Registry.  There will never be any competitive bid for it, except in a very 
circumstance. Verisign now gets the right to a perpetual monopoly. This means  
that they are free to do whatever they want with dot Com, without fear of  
competition. This does not serve the public convenience and necessity. Prices  
therefore will never reduce. ...and there may even be amendments to the  
settlement allowing even more unfair increase in pricing.
    *   ICANN has been In-trusted with the over-site of  these  issues. To 
this end, please inform me as to why ICANN feel that the proposed  settlement 
agreement with Verisign is a good deal ...and how would the public  benefit 
such agreement. So far, I must admit "...I DON'T GET  IT"

Respectfully Yours,
Erskine R.  Curry 
CEO/Executive Management Consultant
Email:  telecomventures@xxxxxxx
Mobile: (561) 351-8351

Media & Telecom  Ventures
Lake Avenue Place
1213 Lake Ave.
Lake Worth,  Florida 33460 USA

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Email:  telecomventures@xxxxxxxxxxxx 

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ICQ IM:  345-987-317 (ECBIZNET)

Additional Contact: Ralph Wells CFO/VP  Operations 786-281-6151

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