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Comment of the com info

  • To: <settlement-comments@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Comment of the com info
  • From: "Support - Hostchess" <whiteknight@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2005 09:51:23 -0600

Well, my name is Alfonso Orozco and now many of my customers are switching
to .net and .org mainly for the 5.50 deal we are doing with registerfly
special promo.

I am a guy with around 500 domains in many tlds, dedicated to host service,
i begin my business around 10 years ago and because the rules was not clear,
i lose some domains for unescrupulose resellers, mainly darakann.net and
ojosabiertos.com. Now i am branding the name hostchess.com and haragei.com

my impression here is .com are really saturated and many good domains are
taken for dead people, and many businees are branding .net now, some for
financial reasons, some for the .com taken.

I see four problems with the verisign possibility

1) Sometimes i have problem to pay my current domains. In some cases me of
my customers have the .com. net and .org to have a "barrier", but the
customers brand the .net instead. Maybe the customers made a extra sacrifice
to pay the current new prices, but i dount it. This can boost the .org TLD,
as example in the beginning the .info was boosted but now are nearly dead.
.com can be the same.

2) Second problem here is the monopoly or especulator thing. Someguys want
thousand of dollars to domain for domains they not use (
checkojosabiertos.org as example, i am owner of .net. .info and . org ), and
i think many .com sites in a near future can be a business of holding
really, and less a effective TLD.

3) Third problem IMHO is an attitude question and i put the .com.mx as
Example. In Mexico, the .com.mx cost 35 usd normally , and many of we as
customers wait until a rebate.. in a rebate i can get it as 9 or less. The
point here is an extra charge of processing when rebates, and a generalized
not buy .com.mx ; in mexico at least many of my customers are buying .org

4) Some use offers as aplus ( very bad service ) or 1and1.com  , we think if
a good domain resller as registerfly or godaddy do a under price sell, we
all buy here. Some people pay 35 usd for .com domains, i pay only 5.95
(1and1) and 5.50 in .net (registerfly) and this movement can kill many
domain resellers and make some few more strong.

In few words, i think upgrade 7% yearly the prices of  .com domains is a
dumb move... semi wise user buy in godaddy, bargain offers in aplus.net and
good buyers in directi, 1an1 and registerfly. For the reasons i say , the
settlement can be a death sentence for .com TLD

Note: i am currently buying domains in godaddy ( special cases),
bluerazor.com ( backorders ) registerfly, direct and 1and1.

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