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Icann / Verisign

  • To: <settlement-comments@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Icann / Verisign
  • From: "Mark Teaster" <markteaster@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2005 19:34:49 -0500

Please let the contract with Verisign run it's course until November 2007 when 
it expires. - It should then be open to other companies In My opinion !

I've never had any problem with Icann raising its share of the fees on 
Registrations , As I feel your role is the most important protecting consumers 
and companies in our Industry. 
But the deal allows Versign to raise base .com prices 7% annually and the 
agreement essentially gives Verisign permanent control of the .com registry, 
eliminating competition.

This is not fair At All  !

If I see any mention of their (Verisigns) SiteFinder program Re-Starting in the 
future ....   I will switch completely to other domain extensions.

Mark Teaster -     Upset Domain Name Owner

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