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RE: [soac-mapo] OK, so what happens next?

  • To: "Robin Gross" <robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [soac-mapo] OK, so what happens next?
  • From: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 20:49:14 -0400



Let me correct one misconception on your part.  This is not a policy
making process; it is not a PDP.  The GNSO Council already approved
recommendation 6 by a supermajority vote.  The task will be to see if
improvements can be made to the implementation process for
recommendation 6.




From: Robin Gross [mailto:robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 7:09 PM
To: Gomes, Chuck
Cc: Avri Doria; soac-mapo@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [soac-mapo] OK, so what happens next?


Thanks, Chuck.


I'm a bit concerned about the ToR for such an important GNSO
policymaking process being created by the SO/AC Chairs exclusively
(obviously not the specific individuals, but the positions).  It seems
this list / group was set up without a clear objective and clear
guidance of under what auspices it was being created (other than the
board request) in terms of leadership and mission.  If the objective of
the group is to make a GNSO policy recommendation to the board, I wonder
how appropriate it is to set it up in this rapid tri-partite manner.  It
seems like we are "winging it" and moving forward quickly all of a
sudden and may set a precedent for how policy recommendations are made
in the future that should be given more thought.  






On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:26 PM, Gomes, Chuck wrote:


Please see my responses below Avri.




        -----Original Message-----

        From: Avri Doria [mailto:avri@xxxxxxx]

        Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 11:18 AM

        To: Gomes, Chuck

        Cc: soac-mapo@xxxxxxxxx

        Subject: Re: [soac-mapo] OK, so what happens next?

        Importance: High




        Once the list discuses this ToR, will it be sent to the 3

        organizations (GNSO Council, ALAC and GAC) for approval?

[Gomes, Chuck] Because of the very late timing of this relative to the

new gTLD process, I am hoping that the ToR can be accepted in a rapid

and less formal manner. If all three organizations have to formally

approve the ToR, then that would likely take a month or two just to do

that before we could start discussions.  The plan is to send the initial

draft to this list not later than tomorrow for discussion on the list

and hopefully in a call to be scheduled next week.  I think it will be

easier for list participants to judge the approach once you see the

initial draft ToR and encourage you to comment after reading it.



[Gomes, Chuck] >  And is it

        correct to assume that it is the 3 chairs who are creating the


        TOR?  Or is this something being produced by some other entity.

[Gomes, Chuck] To get a jump start on the ToR and hopefully help us

start discussing the implementation issues more quickly, the three of us

are creating the first draft.


        Also what does it mean to be a key participant.  I ask

        relevant to the GNSO.  How are these key participants being


[Gomes, Chuck] Probably a poor use of terms, but essentially the leaders

of the three organizations and some ICANN staff were invited to

participate in an evaluation of the draft ToR.  Staff was invited for

support purposes.



        Finally, are the 3 SOAC chairs, planing to act as the co-chairs



[Gomes, Chuck] The draft ToR calls for the three chairs or their

designees to co-chair the discussion team.







        On 16 Aug 2010, at 14:49, Gomes, Chuck wrote:


                Please note the following next steps for this discussion


                1. An initial version of draft Terms of Reference (ToR)
will be sent


                this list by Thursday for list discussion.


                2. A Doodle poll will be sent to this list to attempt to


                best meeting time possible for a weekly call; please
respond to this

                right away because we will try to have the first call as
early as

                possible next week.


                3. A primary objective will be to finalize the ToR next
week so that


                group may begin the real work promptly.

                Action items:


                          Glen - please send a list of the list
subscribers to Cheryl,

                Heather and I so that we can validate that key
participants have




                          Gisella - please initiate a Doodle poll on
this list, avoiding

                conflicting GNSO, ALAC, ccNSO meetings; provide time
options on


                Tuesday & Wednesday; please include the 20:30 UTC time
on Mondays if

                there are not conflicts.


                          Cheryl - please ensure that the collaborative
work space is

                implemented and announced on this list.








Robin Gross, Executive Director

1192 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA  94117  USA

p: +1-415-553-6261    f: +1-415-462-6451

w: http://www.ipjustice.org     e: robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx


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