[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Action points - JAS WG call 10 May
Dear all, Action points from today's call: 1. Any remaining statements of interest should be sent to Glen. 2. The revised version of WG charter is attached as agreed during the call. There are just two edits compared to the previously sent version ("policy" deleted in the preamble and change to "snapshot" for the 15 June deliverable in the timeline). Any comments regarding the charter should be sent to the list within 24 hours, i.e. before 15H00 UTC Tuesday 11 May. 3. It was concluded that the two work teams (WT1 - review of application fee structure, and WT2 - "Who and What") need multiple coordinators/leaders to animate the substance discussions and give short updates at WG calls. For WT1 - Tony Harris (assumed) and Rafik Dammak (volunteer). For WT2 - Andrew Mack and Carlos Aguirre (volunteers). Further volunteers are sought for those roles. 4. Work teams could usefully consider priorities regarding what should be achieved in the short, medium and long term. 5. Team headings and some documents/links have been put in the wiki https://st.icann.org/so-ac-new-gtld-wg/index.cgi . A list of those who have already signed up to the WTs is found below and will be introduced in the Wiki. WT1 - Tony Harris, Rafik Dammak, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Richard Tindal, Elain Pruis, Andrew Mack. WT2 - Andrew Mack, Carlos Aguirre, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Elaine Pruis, Rafik Dammak. (Hope I got that right - please yell if not;-) 6. The call time was seen as doable and will be kept, thus do count on weekly 60-minute calls on Mondays starting at 13H00 UTC. All the best Olof Attachment:
JAS WG draft charter v3.doc