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RE: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] writing exercise.

  • To: <soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] writing exercise.
  • From: Tijani BEN JEMAA <tijani.benjemaa@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 12:17:46 +0200

Dear all,

Sorry for the long silence (in Vilnius).

I would like to thank Avri for all her input despite her very busy time here in 

I read very carefully the cover letter and the excerpt final report she sent. 
Here are my comments:
As for the cover letter, I find it well, but did some minor modifications (I 
did it since days and I forgot what I changed, but think it was related to the 
syntax or other form aspects) See attached.

For the excerpt final report, I also did some modifications on it (attached), 
and for the very important issues, here are the remarks:

•       Line 31:  remove “Financial”

•       Line 43-44 becomes 41-42 and 41-42 become 43-44 – This is to put the 
bullet point about lowering the registry fixed fees under the cost reduction 
recommendations, and let the refund from the auction under the sub-paragraph 

•       Line 60: The funds should be distributed with special consideration for 
the applications coming from the developing countries as explicitly mentioned 
in the resolution 20. 
Indeed, if we would specify a certain priority, we should do it to the 
applicants from developing countries, not to any other community.

•       Line 67-69: is it fare that one single applicant get support from 
several parties while others couldn’t apply because of their need?

•       Line 68: is it in our mission to recommend aids for all applicants, out 
of the ones meeting the criteria of eligibility?

•       Line 109-110: Entrepreneurs coming from and serving a developing market 

•       Line 125-126: On ongoing cost, support should ……


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Attachment: Excerpt Final Report JAS WG v3.doc

Attachment: Cover letter-v2.doc

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