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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] chat JAS WG room Aug 3rd

  • To: "SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] chat JAS WG room Aug 3rd
  • From: Karla Valente <karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 10:02:50 -0700

Olof Nordling: Welcome to the JAS WG call 20 July!
Alex Gakuru: Hello World?
Elaine Pruis: richard sends his apologies
Alex Gakuru: Thanks Olof, you have done superbly
glen: Tony Harris is not on the call he is disconnected
Alan Greenberg: $10 (or anything similar) *IS* giving them away compared to the 
costs we are talking about.
Carlos Aguirre: Im not sure, that we need another WT (3), perhaps we can add 
the new issue to the WT2. obviously after consideration the WG
Carlos Aguirre: I agree with Andrew and Alex position
Andrew Mack: agree, should be part of WT2
Andrew Mack: Understood.  We were trying to work on skype to move forward faster
Carlos Aguirre: we are working on skype
Elaine Pruis: please add me to your skype conversations
Carlos Aguirre: of course Elaine, yesterday we have a very good conversation 
with Andrew, an d Alex.
Carlos Aguirre: no thanks
Carlos Aguirre: you said everinthing that I want to say
Alex Gakuru: sure
Carlos Aguirre: bye, and thank you!
Andrew Mack: bye and thanks
Olof Nordling: Bye bye and thanks to you all!
avri: thanks for everything Olof.
Gisella Gruber-White: Michele Neylon has joined the call
Gisella Gruber-White: Olof Nordling has joined as well
Olof Nordling: yup, a bit late - Hi all!
Gisella Gruber-White: Carlos Aguirre is on the call
Alan: The $0.25 fee (now 0.18 or whatever
Elaine Pruis: call just dropped, will be back in a minute
Andrew Mack: Danny called me directly and this is what he said
Elaine Pruis: I'm back
Michele Neylon: over 100 million in .com
Michele Neylon: afaik
Michele Neylon: few million more if you include all the other tlds
Alan: This would be sufficiently assured funds that we could ''borrow'' from 
next year's revenue...
Sébastien: drop pff
Andrew Mack: I have never heard anyone say that they had considered multiple 
Karla Valente: hi Andrew - I heard many ''potential applicants'' interested in 
multiple scripts of the same TLD
Elaine Pruis: me too-but only corporations or incumbants- no ''disadvantaged''?
Andrew Mack: let me clarify -- I agree there's demand.  what I haven't heard is 
that ICANN's calculations include this interest
Andrew Mack: My guess is that ICANN has not considered the potential for 
bundled pricing.
Alan: My inclination is 2 hour meetings
CLO: 90-2 hrs is OK  IMO
CLO: Good luck trying to find the time slot
Elaine Pruis: earlier would not work for me
CLO: for a secoind call
Michele Neylon: CLO - well ... .. ..
Elaine Pruis: can we do another this week?
CLO: G can only do her best
Andrew Mack: thanks Avri for what you're doing
CLO: Sorry had to go to NEXT call
Michele Neylon: thanks
Michele Neylon: bye
Karla Valente: bye

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