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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] copy of the current notes - JAS WG

  • To: "SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] copy of the current notes - JAS WG
  • From: Karla Valente <karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 07:02:16 -0700

Dear all,

Below is a copy of the current notes in Adobe for your records. I am preparing 
a clean list of open issues, send it to you via e-mail and post it on the notes 
for the next meeting discussion.

Thank you,



1.            Is regional basis a criteria for receiving aids?
2.            Clarifications on proposed development director
3.            Clarifications on proposed development funds

3.       Issue of bundling and the scope of our work. There is no unanimity. 
Should keep bundling in the final report - even if we note that there's some 
disagreement over the details or utility -let the Board determine if it was or 
wasn't in scope.  Should we consider Richard's proposal: "the bundling discount 
should not apply to corporate applicants who clearly have sufficient funds to 
pay the regular application fee" - Alan with help from Andrew

4.       Work on 3.3.10  underserved scripts - Andrew with help from Rafik, 

5.       Work on 3.3.11 - indentified as needing rewording, but last e-mail 
exchanges agree no further language will be proposed?   Alan with help from 
Richard, Andrew

6.       Work on 3.3.9 - add wording regarding policy and impact on current 
TLDs not aligned with self-funding policy goal.

needs to be checked.
issue on cost of adminstration

7.       Regarding Alan's comments/question to me on the issue of delegation 
versus actual TLD use by the Registry.
This is what we have on the base agreement regarding this issue:  ICANN may 
terminate the registry agreement: "if Registry Operator fails to complete all 
testing and procedures (identified by ICANN in writing to Registry Operator 
prior to the date hereof) for delegation of the TLD into the root zone within 
12 months of the Effective Date. Registry Operator may request an extension for 
up to additional 12 months for delegation if it can demonstrate, to ICANN's 
reasonable satisfaction, that Registry Operator is working diligently and in 
good faith toward successfully completing the steps necessary for delegation of 
the TLD." 4.3 (b) 

Although it is the intention of the program to have working TLDs to foster 
competition and innovation, there are no objective measures outlined of what it 
would mean to "be operational and actually use a TLD", and there are no other 
requirements in the agreement.
Issue still open: prioritizing instead of limitation. i both review comments 
and draft text (line 230-231)

-- possible suggestion -

Sentence bracket 245-246 - One possible changes  The Recom. to prioritize 
ethinic, linguistional cnsideration for funding

c [and cultural] groups is valid for the current round  ... in possible future 

-  development fundraising issues, amount and practice

- regional considerations

Line 67-69: is it fare that one single applicant get support from several 
parties while others couldn't apply because of their need?

*             Line 68: is it in our mission to recommend aids for all 
applicants, out of the ones meeting the criteria of eligibility?

Drop 261, 262

3.       Issue of bundling and the scope of our work. There is no unanimity. 
Should keep bundling in the final report - even if we note that there's some 
disagreement over the details or utility -let the Board determine if it was or 
wasn't in scope.  Should we consider Richard's proposal: "the bundling discount 
should not apply to corporate applicants who clearly have sufficient funds to 
pay the regular application fee" - Alan with help from Andrew

4.       Work on 3.3.10  underserved scripts - Andrew with help from Rafik, 

5.       Work on 3.3.11 - indentified as needing rewording, but last e-mail 
exchanges agree no further language will be proposed?   Alan with help from 
Richard, Andrew

6.       Work on 3.3.9 - add wording regarding policy and impact on current 
TLDs not aligned with self-funding policy goal.

7.       Regarding Alan's comments/question to me on the issue of delegation 
versus actual TLD use by the Registry.
This is what we have on the base agreement regarding this issue:  ICANN may 
terminate the registry agreement: "if Registry Operator fails to complete all 
testing and procedures (identified by ICANN in writing to Registry Operator 
prior to the date hereof) for delegation of the TLD into the root zone within 
12 months of the Effective Date. Registry Operator may request an extension for 
up to additional 12 months for delegation if it can demonstrate, to ICANN's 
reasonable satisfaction, that Registry Operator is working diligently and in 
good faith toward successfully completing the steps necessary for delegation of 
the TLD." 4.3 (b) 

Although it is the intention of the program to have working TLDs to foster 
competition and innovation, there are no objective measures outlined of what it 
would mean to "be operational and actually use a TLD", and there are no other 
requirements in the agreement.

Readability cleanup for 262 - 271

307 - wording fix

We are gratified to read of N's & B (several providers) committeemt to assist 
in this process and encoruage ...
272 add substantive comments

391-396  reword for prioritization.

475 - 488   out of scope.

522 - not out of scope?  what is scpe of recommendation?  we can endorse the 
idea for all applicants but it is not in our mission.

we recommend a shorter period. - more disucssion.

On the ''bundling'' discussion, based on our desire to come forward with a 
consensus formula that both promotes more access in underserved languages and 
yet also avoids some of the possible unintended consequences/gaming 
opportunities noted by Eric, Richard and others, Richard and I worked up the 
following formulation:That in place of ''bundled'' support for IDN build out 
the WG would recommend a simplified ''direct'' package of cost reductions to 
incentivize IDN build out in underserved scripts for all applicants, whether 
national or international, NGO or private, on the following basis:For scripts 
with 1-10 million native users, a 60% discount from the typical price of a new 
gTLD. For scripts with 10-50 million native users, a 40% discount. For scripts 
with 50-100 million native users, a 20% discount. No discount is recommended 
for scripts with more than 100 million users, as they are considered large 
enough to constitute a strong market in the near term and thus support would be 
better focused on script groups t

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