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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] GAC Communique on JAS

  • To: soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] GAC Communique on JAS
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 11:08:52 -0500


For those who were not in Cartagena or were not listening remotely, the 
following was part of the GAC's communique:


> The GAC also welcomed an update  on the work of the Joint AC/SO 
> Working Group on support for new gTLD applicants, and encourages 
> the Working Group to continue their efforts, particularly with regard to 
> further outreach with developing countries

At this point we have the Board's mandate, ALAC's approval of our charter 
extensions and the GAC's encouragement.  Only the GNSO's explicit approval is 
still missing, and it has been argued that implicitly, the things we have or on 
our charter extensions are covered already.  Though I would still value the 
GNSO Council's explicit endorsement of our continuing goals, and will continue 
to work on that, I agree with those who say it is time for us to get back to 

This week is generally meeting-free to allow people to recuperate and catch up 
with their work and personal lives. I know I am just beginning to become ICANN 
aware again today and can't make a meeting this Friday for personal reasons.

I will ask Gisella schedule a meeting for next Tuesday at 1400 UTC for 90 
minutes to get started.  I know this is just before the Christmas break, but I 
am hoping that enough people can make this meeting to make it worth while.  
Please try to make it and please let the list know if you absolutely can't make 

As an agenda, I suggest:

- Discussion of the substantive feed back we received
- Discussion of how we wanted to move forward, including 
  - a discussion of whether it was time to pick new co-chair(s) and if so, 
picking them
  - working methods for getting the work ahead done including dividing up into 
sub-teams with coordinators
  - recruitment of the additional expertise that is required for the work ahead

Anything else?

My thanks to all of you, especially to those who worked in their repsective 
corners of ICANN to make Cartagena a successful meeting for our goal to help 
the potential applicant from developing economies.

Best Regards, 

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