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Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] JAS Co-chairs to step down

  • To: Evan Leibovitch <evan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] JAS Co-chairs to step down
  • From: Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 14:44:54 +0900

Hi Evan,

thank you for your email, it is pretty sad that Avri and you step-down after
the huge work done for JAS and I understood your reasons and I hope that you
continue your involvement on JAS and I am confident about that.

In other hand, I would like to self-nominate for co-chair position and hope
to continue the ongoing work.

Best Regards

Rafik Dammak
Twitter: @rafik
Linkedin: http://tn.linkedin.com/in/rafikdammak

2010/12/16 Evan Leibovitch <evan@xxxxxxxxx>

> Hello JAS WG members,
> After some extensive discussions, Avri and I have decided to step down as
> the co-chairs of the JAS group.  We each have different personal reasons,
> but both think that the changeover in WG tasks makes this a good time for a
> change in group coordination.
> Avri's reasons are twofold.  In one respect they center on her failure to
> come to closure with the GNSO on the charter renewal.  The conversation over
> the charter became heated during the public GNSO meeting and instead of the
> decision we had hoped for, the council decided that two of its members would
> be responsible for negotiating with the JAS WG to determine a new charter.
>  Since the relationship between Avri and one of these negotiators is rather
> strained at the moment, she feels that someone else would be better equipped
> to handle this negotiation.  Secondly, she is very interested on focusing on
> the work of fund raising and looking into methods of dealing with any excess
> funds from auctions and figures that doing this work and being co-chair
> would be difficult at best.
> I, on the other hand, have recently been elected by the North Ametican
> Region to ALAC and then subsequently honoured to be voted by ALAC members as
> its Vice Chair.  I feel that my new duties would make it hard to give
> co-chairing JAS the focus it would need. Since Carlos has left the ALAC to
> join the GNSO Council, I am volunteering to take the spot as the ALAC
> liaison.
> We both intend to continue working with the WG and will help in the
> changeover once new co-chairs have been selected by the group.  Avri will
> chair the next meeting, or meetings if necessary, until such time as new
> co-chairs are chosen, discussion on the selection of new co-chairs it is the
> first thing on the agenda.  We suggest that those who are interested in
> becoming the new chairs, speak up on the list before the meeting if
> possible.
> We both thank the group members for the opportunity we had to lead this
> work during its first phase, and look forward to continued working with the
> JAS group going forward.
> Avri and Evan

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