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Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] In lieu of a call today ...

  • To: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] In lieu of a call today ...
  • From: Eric Brunner-Williams <ebw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2011 12:45:34 -0500

On 1/4/11 11:58 AM, Avri Doria wrote:

On 4 Jan 2011, at 11:30, Eric Brunner-Williams wrote:


 From my perspective, the ad hoc group suggested by the Names Council on the 
8th, the call for volunteers for which Glen announced to the 
soac-newgtldapsup-wg on the 22nd, has one day to decide if it is going to 
decide anything on the JAS WG re-charter issue in time for the Names Council to 
consider a motion on January 15th.

There are now three draft motions, the second I personally find the least 
conductive to what I think the JAS WG should or can attempt now that the 
Milestone Report is out for comment.


By three, do you mean:

1 - the original that was approved by ALAC
2 - the version proposed by Jeff
3 - the compromise wording i proposed that tried to include some of your 

Yes. The Original (JAS WG proposed and ALAC approved), the Redline (Jeff Neuman's version) and the Blueline (msword smithing apparently done by Wulf-Ulrich Knoben.

btw the compromise i offered looks like this now (in discussion with Rafik I 
have suggested a clarification to 'd' that is along the same lines as the 
compromise statements I proposed for the other statements - which were 
essentially to replace the notion of 'Establish ...' with the notion of 
'Propose ...'

These were fairly harmless changes of language.

the other part of the offered compromise was to use wording you suggested (I 
took it as a suggestion in any case) for 'c' that left out explicit mention of 
auctions and foundations.

I noticed that.

1b. Motion for JAS WG charter extension in response to ICANN Board resolution 
about supporting applicants and for completing a list of further work items.

In my mind the big items are those I mentioned in part II of my note to the ad hoc group of the 30th. I'd like to see my concern over the over the relationship of the parties, assisting and assisted, squashed.


Made by: Rafik Dammak
Seconded by: Bill Drake


The GNSO Council and ALAC established the Joint SO/AC Working group on support 
for new gTLD applicants in April of 2010;  and

The Working Group has completed the work as defined in its initial charter and 
published a Milestone report on 10 November 2010 covering those chartered items 
and including a list of further work items that it recommended further work on; 

In recognition of the ICANN Board's resolution 2010.10.28.21 in response to an 
Interim report from the JAS WG, which states:
the Board encourages the JAS WG and other stakeholders to continue their work 
on the matter, and in particular, provide specific guidelines on the 
implementation of their recommendations such as determining the criteria for 
eligibility for support.


1. The charter of the Joint SO/AC New gTLD Applicant Support Working Group is 
extended to include the following objectives:

a) Propose the criteria for financial need and a method of demonstrating that 
need. Financial need has been established as the primary criterion for support. 
The group should be augmented to have the necessary expertise to make a 
specific recommendation in this area, especially given the comparative economic 
conditions and the cross-cultural aspects of this requirement.

b) Propose mechanisms, e.g. a review committee that would need to be 
established operating under the set of guidelines established in the Milestone 
Report and those defined in objective (a) above, for determining whether an 
application for special consideration is to be granted and what sort of help 
should be offered;

c) Propose mechanism(s) for revenue income and other asset management to 
support new gTLD applicants who meet the criteria as established in objective 
(a) of this charter amendment.

d) Discuss with Backend Registry Service Providers the extent of of 
coordination, to be given by Backend Registry Service Providers (e.g. brokering 
the relationships, reviewing the operational quality of the relationship) and 
propose methods for coordinating that assistance.

e) Discuss and propose methods for coordinating any assistance volunteered by 
providers (consultants, translators, technicians, etc.); match services to 
qualified applicants; broker these relationships and review the operational 
quality of the relationship.

f) Propose methods for coordinating cooperation among qualified applicants, and 
assistance volunteered by third parties.

g) In cooperation with ICANN Staff and donor experts propose policies and 
practices for fundraising and for establishing links to possible donor 
agencies. This activity may include assisting in the establishment of initial 
relationships with any donor(s) who may be able to help in first round with 

h) Review the basis of the US$100,000 application base fee to determine its 
full origin and to propose a percentage of that fee that could be waived for 
applicants meeting the requirements for assistance. Work with the ICANN new 
gTLD implementation staff to determine how the fee waivers would be 

i) Design mechanisms to encourage the build out of Internationalized Domain 
Names (IDNs) in small or underserved languages.

2. The Working group is asked to present a schedule for the work that allows 
for completion in time for the opening of the application round, currently 
scheduled for Q2 2011, in any event no delays for the new gTLD program should 
result from the working group’s work.

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