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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Fwd: [] GNSO Council resolutions 13 January

  • To: soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Fwd: [] GNSO Council resolutions 13 January
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2011 10:59:22 -0500


here is the text of the resolution that as approved.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date: 14 January 2011 10:39:38 EST
> To: GNSO Council <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [council] GNSO Council resolutions 13 January
> Dear All,
> Before the official minutes, the following motions were passed by the GNSO 
> Council at its meeting on Thursday, 13 January 2011.
> Thank you very much.
> Kind regards,
> Glen

(i cut all but the JAS related motion)

> Joint SO/AC Working group on support for new gTLD applicants (JAS) Motion
> Whereas:
> The GNSO Council and ALAC established the Joint SO/AC Working group on 
> support for new gTLD applicants in April of 2010; and
> The Working Group has completed the work as defined in its initial charter 
> and published a Milestone report on 10 November 2010 covering those chartered 
> items and including a list of further work items that it recommended further 
> work on; and
> In recognition of the ICANN Board's resolution 2010.12.10 which reiterated 
> its 2010.10.28.21 in response to an Interim report from the JAS WG, which 
> states:
> the Board encourages the JAS WG and other stakeholders to continue their work 
> on the matter, and in particular, provide specific guidelines on the 
> implementation of their recommendations such as determining the criteria for 
> eligibility for support.
> Resolved:
> 1. The charter of the Joint SO/AC New gTLD Applicant Support Working Group is 
> extended to include the following limited objectives:
> a) Propose criteria for financial need and a method of demonstrating that 
> need. Financial need has been established as the primary criterion for 
> support. The group should seek out expert advice in this area, especially 
> given the comparative economic conditions and the cross-cultural aspects of 
> this requirement.
> b) Propose mechanisms for determining whether an application for special 
> consideration should be granted and what sort of help should be offered;
> c) Propose methods for applicants to seek out assistance from registry 
> service providers.
> d) Propose methods for applicants to seek out assistance from other top-level 
> domain consultants, translators, and technicians, in the application for, and 
> administration of, a new top-level domain
> e) Design mechanisms to encourage the build out of Internationalized Domain 
> Names (IDNs) in small or underserved languages.
> 2. The Working group is asked to present a schedule for the work that allows 
> for completion in time for the opening of the application round, currently 
> scheduled for Q2 2011, in any event no delays for the new gTLD program should 
> result from the working group’s work.
> 3. The Working group shall report its results and present a final report 
> directly to the GNSO Council and the ALAC for discussion and adoption, as 
> appropriate, according to their own rules and procedures.
> 4. All communication to the ICANN Board regarding the work of this Working 
> Group shall be through the respective SO/AC unless expressly approved by the 
> respective SO/AC.

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