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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] New gTLDS: Briefing Papers for ICANN Board-GAC Consultations published

  • To: "SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] New gTLDS: Briefing Papers for ICANN Board-GAC Consultations published
  • From: Karla Valente <karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 06:15:01 -0800

Dear all:

Please see below.



New gTLDS: Briefing Papers for ICANN Board-GAC Consultations

21 February 2011

In preparation for the ICANN Board-GAC consultation in Brussels on 28 February 
and 1 March 2011, ICANN has prepared briefing papers to address the 12 topics 
identified in the GAC's Cartagena communiqué as "...outstanding and require 
additional discussion between the Board and the GAC." As some of the topics 
were considered to overlap or be inter-related, more than one topic is covered 
in some of the briefing papers.

The aim of the briefing papers is to identify the areas of difference which 
remain between the ICANN Board and the GAC on the nominated topics to focus the 
discussion on the issues in Brussels. These areas of difference have been 
identified through the GAC Principles on New gTLDs, GAC communications to the 
Board on the new gTLD program, and GAC communiqués. There have also been 
conference calls among ICANN Board, GAC and staff in the past few weeks to 
confirm the areas of difference. The papers also provide background and ICANN's 
position on the issues raised. Also attached to most briefing papers is an 
annex containing reference documents: the first is a summary of actions taken 
responding to GAC and public comments; and the second is a table which provides 
a chronological listing of GAC advice and comments on new gTLDs, responses 
provided by ICANN and key documents published on the topics.

Note that the GAC is preparing its own scorecard on these same issues - 
highlighting GAC consensus positions on the New gTLD Program and where that 
position differs from the current implementation model. It is expected that the 
GAC and ICANN papers will differ. The primary purpose of the Brussels 
consultation is to get joint understanding of specific differences between the 
GAC and Board positions. Once that understanding is obtained, the parties can 
work toward a common position.

These briefing papers are being posted for information only, so that interested 
participants will be able to have a sense of the issues to be discussed during 
the ICANN Board-GAC consultation. They are not being published for public 

The briefing papers are as follows:

Objection Procedures: includes requirements for governments to pay fees; 
procedures for review of sensitive strings; and early warning to 
applications-whether a proposed string would be considered controversial or to 
raise sensitivities (including geographical names) [PDF, 362 KB]

Root Zone Scaling (to be provided)

Market and Economic Impacts [PDF, 312 KB]

Registry-Registrar Separation [PDF, 321 KB]

Protection of Rights Owners (trademark protections) [PDF, 273 KB]

Consumer Protection Issues (malicious conduct) [PDF, 259 KB]

Law Enforcement Due Diligence Recommendations [PDF, 141 KB]

Post Delegation Disputes with governments [PDF, 250 KB]

Geographic Names: use and protection of geographical names [PDF, 370 KB]

Legal Recourse for Applicants [PDF, 170 KB]

Providing Opportunities for all Stakeholders [PDF, 256 KB]

The Agenda for the meeting is still being finalized.

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