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Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Re: public comment announcement - chairs, please review

  • To: Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Re: public comment announcement - chairs, please review
  • From: Evan Leibovitch <evan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2011 02:05:29 -0400

I am uncomfortable with the wording of section 6, "what happens next", for
two specific reasons:

   1. It is astonishing to me that GAC input is not mentioned at all,
   considering that its most current statements on the ICANN gTLD program have
   made specific mention of the JAS group and credits us (in multiple
   instances) of "innovative approaches". At very least, and every point in
   this statement where mention is made of "supporting organizations" I would
   add "advisory committees" as well.

   2. There is an implication made that staff might be instructed to proceed
   on a  "Support Development Program", possibly without further involvement of
   the CWG. Considering that this WG acknowledged that much work is left to be
   done on the Milestone Report that involves community-developed approaches
   and choices, it is not appropriate to suggest a course of action that would
   shut out the CWG from further development. If anything, the Support
   Development Program should be done in strong collaboration with -- if not
   supervison by -- the CWG.

- Evan

On 9 June 2011 21:16, Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Dear Karla:
> As best as I can tell and after a quick look at other announcements, this
> seems appropriate to me.
> I would hope other members of the WG might comment however before its a go.
> Thanks very much for working this.
> Kind regards,
> Carlton
> ==============================
> Carlton A Samuels
> Mobile: 876-818-1799
> *Strategy, Planning, Governance, Assessment & Turnaround*
> =============================
> 2011/6/9 Karla Valente <karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Dear Rafik and Carlton:
>> Please see below a draft for the announcement. I recommend this public
>> forum closes on July 29 to give people time to review, particularly
>> considering we are almost at the Singapore meeting. I assumed the public
>> forum opening day as June 10.
>> Please review the content below and approve for posting asap.
>> Thanks,
>> Karla
>> * *
>> * *
>> *Public Comment: Work continues to expand Developing Economies
>> participation in the New gTLD Program*
>> __ June 2011
>> *A message from the JAS WG:*
>> The *Second Milestone Report* is being published for public comment
>> today. It deals with a very important issue: *how can ICANN assist
>> applicants from developing economies to increase their participation in the
>> new generic Top-Level Domain (New gTLD) Program? *
>> The Second Milestone Report is a continuation of the work done by the
>> Joint Applicant Support Working Group, also known as JAS WG.  The group is
>> represented by ICANN community members that have been working together on
>> this initiative since April 2010. The JAS WG was formed following a
>> Resolution <http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-12mar10-en.htm>from 
>> ICANN Board of Directors in Nairobi, on March 2010 that asked ICANN’s
>> stakeholder community *"...to develop a sustainable approach to providing
>> support to applicants requiring assistance in applying for and operating new
>> gTLDs."*
>> Below are some basic aspects of this important work. It is important to
>> note that this proposal is under consideration by ICANN community, Board and
>> staff. At this time, no specific *Support Development Program* is under
>> development. Once a decision is made about the specific elements of this
>> program, ICANN will make the details available.
>>    1. *What is this all about? What is a Milestone Report?*
>> The Second Milestone Report is a document produced by the JAS WG that
>> offers recommendations on how ICANN should develop a sustainable approach to
>> providing support to applicants from developing economies requiring
>> assistance in applying for and operating new gTLDs Registries. The Report
>> proposes initial criteria for qualification as well as several other types
>> of support for ICANN to considered. It has been approved by ALAC one of the
>> chartering organizations of the working group, but it has not yet been
>> approved by the GNSO.
>> The First Milestone Report was published for public comment in November
>> 2011
>> http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/public-comment-201012-en.htm#jas-milestone-report.
>> Both reports presents the foundation for ICANN to establish a *Support
>> Development Program* dedicated to this issue, however, the group intents
>> to further develop this work in the near future.
>> This initiative is related to the New gTLD Program, which in the near
>> future will allow entities from around the world to apply for a new generic
>> top-level domain (new gTLD). The applicants passing the evaluation process,
>> will sign a contract with ICANN and run a Registry.
>>    1. *Who is being considered to receive support? *
>> Once the new gTLD applicant has demonstrated “service to the public
>> interest”,” financial capabilities and need”, one or more of the following
>> characteristics apply:
>> • Support by and/or for distinct cultural, linguistic and ethnic
>> communities
>> • Service in an under-served language, the presence of which on the
>> Internet has been limited
>> • Operation in an emerging market or nation in a manner that provides
>> genuine local social benefit
>> • Sponsored by non-profit, civil society and non‐governmental
>> organizations in a manner consistent with the organizations' social service
>> mission(s)
>> • Operated by local entrepreneur, providing demonstrable social benefit in
>> those geographic areas where market constraints make normal business
>> operations more difficult
>> All applicants will be expected give a self‐declaration that they are
>> eligible to receive support under these criteria.
>> *3.      **Who does  NOT qualify for support?*
>> According to the JAS WG, the application must NOT have any of the
>> following characteristics:
>> •  From a governmental or para‐statal applicant (subject to review, see
>> below)
>> •  A TLD string explicitly based, and related to, a trademark (ie. a "dot
>> brand" TLD)
>> •  A string that is, or is based on, a geographic name
>> •  Sponsors or partners who are bankrupt or under bankruptcy protection
>> •  Sponsors or partners who are subject of litigation or criminal
>> investigation
>> •  Otherwise incapable of meeting any of the Applicant Guidebook's due
>> diligence procedures
>> 4.      *Who benefits from this? Why is it important?*
>> We all benefit from this initiative. The Internet belongs to all as well
>> as the responsibility to look into effective ways to reduce the Digital
>> Divide, in this particular case, by delivering a sustainable and critical
>> support for applicants from developing economies and looking for a solution
>> not only at the application phase but also through to the initial years of
>> these new Registry operators.
>> It is important because the Internet is a virtual real estate that belongs
>> to everyone. Entities from around the world should be able to increase their
>> participation in the top-level expansion. The Working Group also stresses it
>> is important not only to increase participation from developing economies,
>> but also to increase the likelihood of success by these new participants
>> that will be delivering Domain Name Services (DNS).
>> The current New gTLD Program, as design, has an evaluation (and several
>> other fees) that are considered high for a significant number of potential
>> participants from around the world. Besides the issue of high fees, the
>> program is in English only and has an evaluation process with criteria and
>> requirements that are quite complex to navigate.
>>    1. *Who is part of this Working Group?*
>> This Working Group, also called Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD Applicant
>> Support or simply "JAS WG", is comprised of highly respected and experienced
>> volunteers from the Supporting Organization and the Advisory Committee. This
>> all-volunteer group teleconferences twice each week, and works through a
>> wiki and mailing lists. These active contributors are located in Australia,
>> Africa, Asia, Europe, South America and North America.
>>    1. *What happens next?*
>> Few things will happen in the upcoming months:
>>     - The general public is strongly encouraged to participate in the
>>       public forum that can be found here: insert here the link to the
>>       public forum
>>       - The Board, staff, supporting organizations will review the Second
>>       Milestone Report and public comments received.
>>       - The Board will discuss the continuation of this initiative and
>>       staff *might* initiate working on the *Support Development Program*,
>>       depending on the Board’s direction.
>>       - The JAS WG will hold a session during the upcoming ICANN
>>       Singapore Meeting. This session will have remote participation for the
>>       people not able to attend in person. If you are interested in learning 
>> more
>>       and have questions, please see here the details:
>>       http://singapore41.icann.org/node/24849
>>    1. *How can one get involved?*
>> One way to get involved is to provide a feedback using ICANN’s public
>> comment forum. This is one of the ways ICANN listens to the global Internet
>> community. You can find the link to this forum here: insert here the link
>> to the public forum. The public forum will close on July 29 2011.
>>    1. *Where to find more information?*
>> Relevant Resolutions and previous public forum:
>>    - http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-12mar10-en.htm#20
>>       - http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-25sep10-en.htm#2.2
>>       - http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-28oct10-en.htm
>>       - http://gnso.icann.org/resolutions/#201004
>>       - First Milestone Report Public Forum:
>> http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/public-comment-201012-en.htm#jas-milestone-report
>>       -
>> Information about the New gTLD Program:
>> http://www.icann.org/en/topics/new-gtld-program.htm
>> Archive regarding the WG activities:
>>    - *E-mail:* soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx
>>       - *Wiki:*
>> https://community.icann.org/display/jaswg/SO-AC+New+gTLD+Applicant+Support+Working+Group+%28JAS-WG%29
>> Karla Valente
>> Director, gTLD Registry Programs
>> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
>> Direct:  + 1 310 301 3878
>> Mobile:  +1 310 936 4639
>> *Skype: **kdlvalente*

Evan Leibovitch, Toronto Canada
Em: evan at telly dot org
Sk: evanleibovitch
Tw: el56

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