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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] FW: Reminder / Tuesday 14 June 2011 @ 1300 UTC / JAS WG - Board - GAC proposed June 7 meeting

  • To: "SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] FW: Reminder / Tuesday 14 June 2011 @ 1300 UTC / JAS WG - Board - GAC proposed June 7 meeting
  • From: Karla Valente <karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 06:33:50 -0700

Karla Valente
Director, gTLD Registry Programs
Mobile:  +1 310 936 4639

From: Stéphane Van Gelder [mailto:stephane.vangelder@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 1:48 AM
To: Katim S. Touray; GNSO Council List; Peter Dengate Thrush; Rita Rodin 
Johnston; Bruce Tonkin
Cc: ICANN At-Large Staff; Secretary; Jeremy Beale; Glen de Saint Géry; Karla 
Valente; Carlton Samuels; Rafik Dammak; ALAC EXCOM; Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond
Subject: Re: Reminder / Tuesday 14 June 2011 @ 1300 UTC / JAS WG - Board - GAC 
proposed June 7 meeting

Hello Katim,

This is a personal reaction to your message.

I am, frankly, aghast that a Board member would send a message indicating that 
one of ICANN's SOs has been "slow" in acting on a report, in the way you 
portray the GNSO as having acted with regards to the JAS Milestone Report.

At best, this shows a lack of understanding of the basic process that our SO is 
committed to following, by its own bylaws and by the ICANN bylaws. Immediately 
after the JAS had forwarded its report to us, it was considered by the GNSO 
Council at its next meeting. During that meeting, one of the GNSO groups 
requested the motion be deferred for one meeting. We have a long-standing 
custom of entertaining such requests. Hence the GNSO considered the motion 
again at its June 9 meeting, where I am happy to say that the motion 
(requesting, among other things, that the report be put out for public comment 
asap) was approved unanimously by the Council.

Regardless of your personal interests, I would think that one of your duties as 
a Board member is to uphold the organisation's bylaws, to respect its SOs and 
to uphold the processes under which they work.

Implying in your message that the GNSO is attempting to scuttle the "entire 
process of seeking ways... to provide support to needy new gTLD applicants" is 
not only untrue (as our unanimous vote shows), it is also a serious disregard 
of the way ICANN and its SOs work. ICANN's bottom-up process is not "pick and 
choose". Just because, on this issue that you care strongly about, you feel 
that things are not moving fast enough, this does not justify false allegations 
of possible attempts by one SO to "scuttle the process".

As your message was sent in the context of a call with the Board, the GAC, 
Staff and ALAC, I consider it very public. Hence it could also be construed as 
an attempt to discredit the hard work being done by the community of volunteers 
that the GNSO represents.

You request suggestions to the Board "to ensure that progress cannot be 
hijacked by inaction by any party" (and this is clearly aimed at the GNSO in 
this case). I would offer one: don't hijack ICANN's core process of working 
through its SOs and ACs towards the Board! I take your message to be a breach 
of that process and would personally appreciate reassurance from you that I am 
mistaken, and that is not what you intend.

In order to initiate possible discussion on this at both Council and Board 
level, I am copying the GNSO Council, Peter as Chairman of the Board and the 
two GNSO-elected Board members for their possible comments.



Le 14 juin 2011 à 01:33, Katim S. Touray a écrit :

Dear all,

Thanks so much for your invitation to the call.  I certainly was looking 
forward to joining you on the call, but unfortunately, I have a serious 
conflict that only came up earlier today (Mon.)  I am a consultant helping 
prepare a strategic action plan for our Fisheries Department in The Gambia, and 
we were in a workshop all day today discussing a draft plan I presented a few 
weeks back.  We were hoping to go through the entire document today, but we 
could not.  So we agreed to meet again tomorrow to complete our review of the 
draft document.  For this reason, I will not be available to join the call 
tomorrow, and I am most disappointed by this.

Having said that, I hope you have a successful meeting tomorrow.  In addition, 
I would like to say that I hope your recommendations receive the proper 
attention they deserve, and that in the end, needy new gTLD applicants get the 
support they need.

One issue I would like you to discuss on the call is the timeline for the 
finalization of the JAS WG report.  While I agree that it will help to insist 
that the AG mention that needy applicants should seek support through the 
process based the JAS WG report, I think it will help to provide a timeline for 
the finalization of your report.

I'm also troubled by the fact that the GNSO has been rather slow in acting on 
the JAS WG reports.  I fear such a situation might well be construed by many as 
an effort by the GNSO to scuttle the entire process of seeking ways and means 
to provide support to needy new gTLD applicants.  One important product of such 
a perception would be that developing countries will feel that ICANN is not 
sincere when it says (as the Board did in Nairobi last year) that it is 
interested in launching an inclusive new gTLD program.  I need not say that 
such a perception will also harm ICANN's efforts to strengthen relations with 
developing countries, and get them on our side on the many issues we'd like to 
have their support.  For this reason, I would like hear what suggestions you 
have to the board to ensure that progress cannot be hijacked by inaction by any 

Finally, let me say a big "Thank you!!" again to all of you for your tireless 
and selfless efforts on this matter.  Again, I am very sorry I would not be 
able to join your call, and best wishes in your deliberations.

Have a great week, and safe travels to Singapore!


On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 4:35 PM, ICANN At-Large Staff 
<staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

Dear All,

The JAS Working Group Call with members of the Board, GAC and GNSO invited, is 
scheduled on Tuesday, 14 June 2001, at 13:00 UTC. We hope you will be able to 
join us.

 *   Introduction (5 to 10 minutes) Evan Leibovitch -  Highlights Second 
Milestone Report covering short history how it was developed and specific 
summary points

 *   Board/GAC questions/comments (30 to 40 minutes) - JAS WG would like to 
listen to individual feedback and receive questions/suggestions from GAC and 
Board members

 *   Singapore (5 to 10 minutes) Rafik Dammak/Carlton Samuels - Should there be 
a public meeting with the JAS WG GAC/Board members during the Singapore ICANN 
As a reminder, it would help the JAS WG to better prepare if you could:

 1.  Advise on the representatives from the Board and GAC that will be able to 
attend the  teleconference.
 2.  Send us any questions or comments on the Milestone Report in advance, if 
Kind regards,
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond
ALAC Chair

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